20+ Phone Interview Questions (and Answers) for 2023

08 Jul.,2024


20+ Interview Questions (and Answers) for

Getting invited to a interview can feel like you&#;re making your first real step toward your next job.

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So of course, you want to crush it. You want to go in prepared. You want to know what the interviewer is looking for, and you want to know what questions you&#;ll have to answer.

Usually, interviews are the first step in the hiring process and very high level: The interviewer is &#;screening for risks, they&#;re trying to validate your qualifications, and they want to see if you&#;re a fit,&#; says Muse career coach Tina Wascovich. &#;Who are you, what do you know about us, [and] why do you want to work here?&#;

Of course, it&#;s entirely possible you&#;ll get asked very specific questions that are unique to the job or your field. But more often than not you&#;ll get asked some of the the following common questions in a interview:

Read on to learn how to answer these questions (along with example answers), what other questions you might get, and how to prepare for your interview.

1. &#;Tell me about yourself.&#; Or, &#;Walk me through your resume.&#;

These two similar (but not identical) questions are common interview openers. Asking one of these helps connect the dots between you and the position, says Muse career coach Angela Smith, a former recruiter. Sometimes the person interviewing you won&#;t be the hiring manager but a recruiter or someone in HR who has little background in your field. In that case, they may have zero context as to what makes your resume a good fit. &#;And for people who have a really diverse background or random jobs,&#; she adds, &#;it can be hard for the person reading the resume to make those connections.&#;

How to answer

Wascovich points out that what the interviewer is really looking for in your answer is: &#;Tell me about yourself as it&#;s relevant to the role you&#;re currently interviewing for.&#;

So focus on the skills and experiences that are most applicable. You can simplify your answer by using the &#;present-past-future&#; formula. Explain where you are and what you do now, segue into what you&#;ve done in the past, and end with a brief explanation of what you&#;re looking forward to doing in the future (and how it relates to this job!).

&#;Tell me about yourself&#; example answer

&#;I&#;ve been in the marketing industry for over five years, primarily working in account and project management roles. I most recently worked as a senior PM for a large tech company managing large marketing campaigns and overseeing other project managers. And now I&#;m looking to expand my experience across different industries, particularly fintech, which is why I'm so interested in joining an agency like yours.&#;

Read More: A Complete Guide to Answering &#;Tell Me About Yourself&#; in an Interview (Plus Examples!) and How to Respond to &#;Walk Me Through Your Resume&#;&#;and Get Your Interview Started on the Right Note

2. How did you find this role?

There are two reasons why someone would ask this: They&#;re genuinely curious (this information can be helpful for refining their recruiting process), or they want to understand why you applied and how you ended up in front of them. If you came across the job in a unique way, like through a personal connection, this can be especially important information for the interviewer to know.

How to answer

Easy&#;just say where you found the job (on a job board, through LinkedIn, via a networking contact) and a little bit about what made you actually apply.

&#;How did you find this role?&#; example answer

&#;I heard about an opening in your product department through a friend of a friend, Peyton Thomas, and since I&#;m a big fan of your work and have been following you for a while I decided it would be a great role for me to apply for.&#;

Read More: 3 Ways People Mess Up the (Simple) Answer to &#;How Did You Come Across This Job Opportunity?&#;

3. What do you know about our company?

The interviewer wants to know if you&#;ve done your research. Anyone can apply to an open job posting that&#;s up their alley. The right candidate will be passionate about the company itself and what it stands for.

How to answer

Don&#;t just regurgitate their &#;About&#; page. Rather, pick one or two qualities of the organization that resonate with you&#;their mission, their product, their brand, their company culture. Explain why you admire them, and provide an example of how they tie back to you.

&#;What do you know about our company?&#; example answer:

If you were applying to The Muse, you could say:

&#;I&#;ve been reading your advice articles for years, and I love your mission of helping people build careers they&#;re passionate about. I spent the past 10 years in roles I didn&#;t love before finally finding my niche in sales, and think it would be an amazing experience to help others avoid the path I took and find a job where they can thrive earlier in their careers.&#;

Read More: 4 Better Ways to Answer &#;Why Do You Want to Work at This Company?&#;

4. Why did you leave/are you leaving your last position?

While it might feel like the interviewer is digging for dirt, there&#;s actually a larger purpose to this question: Why you left a previous job (and how you talk about it) can say a lot about your work ethic and attitude.

This shouldn&#;t stop you from being honest if you were terminated for whatever reason. Being laid off or fired isn&#;t something to be ashamed about, nor is it always entirely your fault. And overcoming it professionally and proactively only impresses an interviewer more.

How to answer

No need to get deep in the weeds if you were let go or fired. The interviewer doesn&#;t want to rehash the uncomfortable details&#;they&#;d rather see what you&#;ve learned from the experience. Simply say, &#;I was let go for [reason]&#; and explain how this has made you a better and stronger employee.

If you&#;re moving on for another reason, whether you&#;re no longer growing, dislike your boss, or want to try something new, avoid badmouthing your past employer (even if you desperately want to) and focus instead on what you&#;re looking forward to accomplishing in your next role.

&#;Why did you leave your last position?&#; example answer

&#;I&#;ve been working in project management for several years now, and while I love the work I&#;m doing, I&#;d love to apply my skill set to the tech space&#;and believe this job would be the perfect opportunity to do so.&#;

Read More: How to Tactfully Answer &#;Why Are You Leaving Your Job?&#; 

5. Describe what you do in your current role.

Like the question &#;Tell me about yourself,&#; this provides context for the interviewer to get a sense of your skill set and expertise. It also shows whether or not you can effectively communicate your value proposition&#;as Wascovich points out, &#;If you can&#;t describe how you contribute on a daily basis, why should I hire you?&#;

How to answer

Don&#;t just focus on the &#;what&#; of your job&#;emphasize the impact. How do your responsibilities contribute to your team or company goals? How does your work make things more efficient or effective? What skills have you developed over time in this role, and how are they an asset to your company?

&#;Describe your current role&#; example answer:

&#;My day-to-day work involves analyzing our client data, which has a big impact on how the marketing and sales teams approach messaging and source new clients. I also collaborate frequently with the product team to help them understand who they&#;re building features for.&#;

Read More: 3 Mistakes That Are Easy to Make When Describing Your Current Job in an Interview

6. What are you looking for in your next job?

This question &#;sets the expectation...in terms of what this person&#;s going to come in here and do for us and what they want to do for us,&#; Smith says. Ideally, your goals and the role&#;s should be aligned.

Your answer also says a lot to an interviewer about whether or not you&#;d be a good long-term hire. For example, you may be looking for a job where you can grow and move up in the next couple years, while this role leaves little room for mobility. Hashing this out now helps both you and the hiring manager avoid a less-than-ideal situation down the road.

How to answer

&#;If you already have a job and you&#;re looking for a different one, it&#;s because there&#;s something missing,&#; Smith says. &#;It&#;s OK to be honest about that. And there&#;s a way of doing it without badmouthing anybody or speaking poorly of your current employer.&#;

She suggests going with something like: &#;I&#;m at a point in my career where I&#;m really looking for more X.&#; Or you could say, &#;I believe I&#;ve really honed X skill, and as a result am excited to pursue Y.&#;

&#;What are you looking for in your next job?&#; example answer

&#;I&#;ve been honing my data analysis skills for a few years now and, first and foremost, I&#;m looking for a position where I can continue to exercise those skills. Another thing that&#;s important to me is that the position allows me to not only play with data, but also present my findings and suggestions directly to clients. Of course, the position is only part of the equation. Being at a company where I can grow and work toward something I care about matters, too. X Co&#;s goal of being the intersection between data and education inspires me, and I&#;m really excited about this opportunity.&#;

Read More: 4 Steps for Answering &#;What Are You Looking for in a New Position?&#;

7. Why do you want this job?

Similar to some of the questions above, the interviewer asks this because they want to see if you did your research and actually care about who they are and what they do. What they don&#;t want to hear is, &#;I need a job and this one seemed cool.&#;

How to answer

There must be something that drew you to the role or company (besides money or perks). Focus on that. &#;Take a minute to go back and look at the company&#;s website or press releases or look at the job description again and be able to pull out a couple of specific things,&#; Smith says, &#;something that can personalize it for their recruiter a little bit so that it&#;s not super generic.&#; Then, connect that to your experience, career trajectory, and goals.

&#;Why do you want this job?&#; example answer

&#;Ever since my brother was diagnosed with a heart condition, I&#;ve been training and running with him in your annual Heart Run to raise money for your organization and help support patients with expenses not covered by insurance. Each time, I&#;ve been struck by how truly dedicated and happy to be there your employees have been. So when I saw this posting for a fundraising role, it felt like it was meant to be. For the last 10 years of my career I&#;ve been an account executive for various SaaS companies, and I&#;ve really honed my skills when it comes to convincing organizations to make regular payments for something over the long term. But I&#;ve been looking for a position in fundraising where I can use these skills to really help people and I&#;m highly motivated to do that with your organization.&#;

Read More: What to Say When Your Interviewer Asks &#;Why Do You Want This Job?&#;

8. What are your salary requirements?

While it may seem presumptuous, interviewers ask this in interviews to quickly eliminate anyone who&#;s out of their budget.Oftentimes recruiters are given a certain amount per position, and rather than bring a candidate all the way through the process only to get stuck on salary, they want to ensure the person is comfortable with what they can offer.

How to answer

This isn&#;t meant to be a trick question, nor will shooting high necessarily put you out of the running. However, you&#;ll want to do your research to make sure you provide an accurate number or range that&#;s appropriate for the role and that you can back up with evidence of your value.

&#;Find out what the market bears for your particular area, and then figure out where you fit into that based on your experience and your education so that when you go into the interview and you&#;re asked that question you&#;re prepared to say, &#;Based on experience, based on this data, based on the market...my ideal salary would be in the range of X to Y,&#;&#; says Smith.

Talking salary depends heavily on where you are in the process. If this is an initial screen, you might have better luck keeping your answer vague, such as: &#;Right now I&#;m really interested in finding the right fit and am open to negotiating on salary.&#; Then, if they press you for a more specific answer you can give your range (this is why preparing ahead of time is so important!). Regardless, don&#;t bring up money unless they do&#;you&#;ll be in a better position to get the salary you want later on.

&#;What are your salary requirements?&#; example answer

&#;Taking into account my experience and Excel certifications, which you mentioned earlier would be very helpful to the team, I&#;m looking for somewhere between $42,000 and $46,000 annually for this role. But for me, benefits definitely matter as well. Your free on-site gym, the commuter benefits, and other perks could definitely allow me to be a bit flexible with salary.&#;

Read More: 3 Strategies for Answering &#;What Are Your Salary Expectations?&#; in an Interview

9. How do you like to be managed?

The manager-employee relationship is crucial for success, and the interviewer wants to be sure you&#;d get along and work well with your potential boss. And don&#;t we all want to work for a manager we jibe with?

For example, &#;If I know that the manager tends to be maybe a little bit more hands on and someone comes in and says that they don&#;t like micromanagers or that they like a manager to just trust them to do their job and back off, that might not work so well,&#; Smith says. She adds that this won&#;t necessarily sway their decision to not bring you back&#;rather, &#;It&#;s just another data point that I can share with whoever&#;s making the final decision.&#;

How to answer

&#;Don&#;t try to answer the question the way that you think they want to hear it. Just be honest,&#; Smith says. If it helps you craft a good answer, offer some examples of past good managers you&#;ve had or management styles you&#;ve come across that you&#;ve liked. And avoid mentioning any negative feedback or stories about old bosses or leaders.

&#;How do you like to be managed?&#; example answer

&#;The bosses I&#;ve worked best with in the past have set clear, concise, and realistic goals and expectations. I&#;m highly motivated by deadlines and being a part of not just my team&#;s success but the whole company&#;s, so working with someone who takes both of these things seriously and ties them back to everything they do allows me to perform at my best.&#;

Read More: 3 Easy Steps to Answer &#;How Do You Like to Be Managed?&#; in an Interview

10. Why should we hire you?

Plenty of people are qualified on paper for a single job. Interviewers want to narrow down their pool to those who stand out from the pack&#;and asking this question helps them do so.

How to answer

What&#;s great about this question is that it allows you an opportunity to really showcase what makes you special. So run with it!

What&#;s one thing no one else would bring to the table that you have? It could be a certain passion or skill, a connection to the company, or your experience solving a specific problem they currently have. 

&#;Why should we hire you?&#; example answer

&#;As an executive assistant, I&#;ve managed schedules and booked travel. I&#;ve been responsible for monitoring multiple accounts and handling expense reports. I&#;ve made sure everything was where it was supposed to be and found it if it wasn&#;t. No task is too big or too small. I&#;ve done it all. And actually, I&#;ve even done all these things in a different language. In my last role I frequently made calls and made arrangements in Spanish for international engagements. You mentioned that you have a trip coming up to Barcelona and travel to Spain often, so I&#;m sure my Spanish fluency would be an additional asset in this role.&#;

Read More: 4 Better Ways to Answer &#;Why Should We Hire You?&#;

11. Are you willing to relocate?

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This is a logistical question for interviewers to weed out anyone who&#;s immediately not a good fit purely based on where they&#;re located. But especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, being out of the area is not going to be an immediate disqualifier for all jobs. Depending on the company&#;s culture, set-up, and leadership styles, employers may consider letting you work remotely, paying for you to move, or assisting you in coming into the office every once in a while if needed. If the employer is only interested in candidates who would work in-person each day (for a role where it&#;s not necessary), consider what this says about organization and if it would be a good match for you.

How to answer

Simple: If you&#;re not in the area, tell them whether or not you&#;d move for the role. If it&#;s a bit more complicated, explain your situation succinctly and with an emphasis on how much you want the job.

&#;Are you willing to relocate?&#; example answer

&#;My kids just started school so we wouldn&#;t be able to relocate until their year is up. I&#;m really excited about this role, and I&#;d be more than willing to make it work remotely until then if you see that as a possibility.&#;

Read More: The Best Responses to &#;Are You Willing to Relocate?&#; Depending on Your Situation

12. When can you start?

Sometimes a hiring manager needs to fill a position right away. In that case, they&#;d probably only consider you if you can start immediately. But when there&#;s no rush, they still ask this to strategize internally as to how long they&#;re willing to wait for the right hire.

How to answer

&#;If you&#;re not working, obviously [you] can say, &#;I&#;m free to start whenever you need me,&#; and that&#;s always a great answer,&#; Smith says. But if you need to give notice at your current job, have a vacation planned, or have some other time constraint you&#;re working with, you can say something along the lines of, &#;I would be available X days/weeks after getting the offer,&#; or, &#;I can start anytime after [date].&#;

&#;When can you start?&#; example answer

&#;I&#;m excited for the opportunity to join your team. I plan to give two weeks&#; notice at my current job to ensure a smooth transition for my coworkers and will be happy to come onboard with the team here after that time.&#;

Read More: 4 Ways to Answer the Interview Question &#;When Can You Start?&#;

13. Do you have any questions for me?

With this question, the interviewer genuinely wants to offer you the chance to get your questions and concerns addressed. Because after all, you&#;re interviewing them as much as they&#;re interviewing you!

But the questions you ask also give them insight into your values and expertise&#;so make sure they&#;re thoughtful and tailored to the role, company, and person you&#;re speaking with.

How to answer

Prepare two to three questions ahead of time around the company or role&#;s goals, the team dynamic, your future manager, or the company culture. Even better, jot down any questions that pop into your head as you&#;re talking with them&#;this will show you&#;re paying attention and tailoring your responses accordingly. You should always try to ask specific questions, but here are some more general ones that you can sprinkle in or use as a jumping off point:

  • What does a typical day or week look like in this role?
  • Can you give me examples of projects I&#;d be working on?
  • What learning and professional development opportunities are available to your employees?
  • What&#;s your favorite part about working here?
  • What&#;s one challenge you occasionally or regularly face in your job?
  • What direction do you see this company heading in over the next few years?
  • What are the next steps in the interview process?
  • When can I expect to hear from you next?

Read More: 51 Great Questions to Ask in an Interview

Even more interview questions

How to prepare for a interview

Sometimes, you &#;don&#;t know when you&#;re going into the interview what type of interview it's going to be,&#; Smith says. This could be just a first-round screening call or it could be the only interview you&#;ll have. So it&#;s important to be well prepared for any scenario. Here are a few tips:

  • Research the company and position beforehand. You&#;ve likely applied for a lot of jobs, and it&#;s understandable if you haven&#;t done all the research on every single position. But you should spend the time to look into the organization and understand what the open job entails ahead of a interview no matter how low stakes the conversation seems.
  • Prep for job-specific questions. While we&#;ve gone over a lot of general interview questions that could be asked for a range of jobs, you may also get some that are specific to the position. So be ready to talk about technical skills or any specific experiences that will help show you&#;re qualified for this opening.
  • Be ready for behavioral questions. In a similar vein, you may also get questions that start with phrases like &#;Tell me about a time when&#;&#;&#;a.k.a., behavioral interview questions. While it&#;s hard to predict exactly what these queries will be, you can prep several interview stories about different types of experiences and brush up on the STAR method.
  • Create a interview cheat sheet to help you during the call. One of the advantages to a interview is that the person on the other end can&#;t see what you&#;re looking at (not that you can&#;t glance at a few notes during an in-person or video interview). Use this perk to the fullest by jotting down some of the most important points for each interview ahead of time.
  • Practice. Once you&#;ve prepared your answers and your cheat sheet, do a mock interview with a friend or family member. Bonus points if you do it over the .
  • Plan your environment. Plan to take the call in a quiet area with good reception and a low chance for interruption. Make sure you have your cheat sheet and your resume in front of you and headphones if you think you&#;ll need them. And for goodness&#; sake, charge your !
  • Read our list of interview tips for more in-depth advice. And if you&#;re looking for more help with interview questions, read this article on how to figure out what questions you&#;ll be asked and this one on common interview questions in any scenario.

18 Interview Questions (and How to Answer)

Of all the stages of the job interview process, the interview is easiest to overlook.

There is no technical challenge, no hours-long pair programming session or whiteboarding to complete. It&#;s often 15 minutes of familiar questions like &#;Tell me about yourself&#; or &#;Why do you want to work here?&#;

Still, those 15 minutes can make or break your job prospects.

Most Common Interview Questions

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Walk me through your resume.
  • Why are you looking for work?
  • Why are you interested in working here
  • What&#;s something you worked on that you&#;re proud of?
  • Tell me about a challenge you encountered and how you solved it.
  • When can you start?
  • What are your salary expectations?
  • Do you have any questions for me?

&#;The old adage that you don&#;t get a second chance to make a first impression is very pertinent here,&#; said Lesia Harhaj, director of career success at the engineering bootcamp Fullstack Academy. &#;[The interview] is your first introduction to the company and potentially to the team. This person will be the person recommending whether or not you should go forward.&#;

Whether you&#;re just starting out or looking to change jobs, it helps to know how to prepare for a interview and what questions to expect.

More on Job Interviews30 Great Job Interview Tips From the Experts


How to Prepare for a Interview

1. Think Through Relevant Examples of Your Experience 

Most interviews cover your background, your achievements and what you can bring to the company. With this in mind, you should be able to succinctly tie your past experiences to the job opportunity.

Before your interview, review the job description and come up with examples from your own career for each requirement bulleted. Have a story ready for every experience on your resume, as these can add more context to your accomplishments.

When you&#;re plotting out your answers, it can help to use the STAR method as a framework.

2. Have Numbers Ready to Back Up Accomplishments

When it comes to details, be sure to have numbers that back up your accomplishments. For example, don&#;t just say you increased sales. Say you increased sales by a certain percent, and include the starting and ending revenue numbers. Providing that context will help your accomplishments stand out to the interviewer and make it more tangible.

3. Research the Company and How You Can Add Value

Companies want to know you&#;re excited to work for them, which is why you need to research the company before your interview. You don&#;t need to memorize the website, but you should understand what it does and where you can add value. At a minimum, look up the company mission and history. It can also help to read a few articles about the company and what they&#;re posting on social media. This will give you a sense of what it&#;s like to work there and provide some jumping-off points about where you can add value to the company.

4. Rehearse Your Answers

Perhaps the most important thing you can do to prepare for your interview is practice. Type out your answers and then rehearse them in front of the mirror or with your family and friends. The more you practice, the more confident you&#;ll sound.


18 Interview Questions (With Example Answers)

1. Tell Me About Yourself.

Recruiter&#;s perspective: This is a question you will be asked in every interview. You have to have a 60-to-90-second pitch prepared for the employer that summarizes your experience. At Fullstack, we like to refer to it as your past, present and future. What did you do? What are you doing? And where are you going? The question sets you up to relate why you are interested in this role, why you would be a good fit and why you would be someone who could meaningfully contribute to the team.   

How to answer: A strong answer highlights a couple of different relevant skill sets. So if you were a Fullstack Academy graduate with a background in financial services, an answer could look like this: 

&#;I&#;m a recent Fullstack graduate. Prior to enrolling in that program, I worked in financial services for two years, but I always loved building products and wanted to get more involved in coding. Throughout my Fullstack experience, I learned a lot of different tech stacks that I&#;m excited to apply in a financial services space, which is why I submitted my application for this role.&#;

It&#;s a brief summary of the past, present and future &#; with a couple of personal details. I tell my students, &#;If this is the only question an employer is going to ask you, and it&#;s the only chance you have to introduce yourself, what are the most important takeaways you want them to have about you?&#;

&#; Lesia Harhaj, director of career success at Fullstack Academy

2. Walk Me Through Your Resume.

Recruiter&#;s perspective: This is a simple way for the recruiter to learn more about you and to see what you think is most important about your experience.

How to answer: You should use this time to explain your relevant experience and the skills that make you qualified for this role. I&#;d recommend structuring your answer in three parts. The first part is a summary of your experience: &#;I&#;m an account manager with 10 years of experience in the software industry.&#; Then give them a brief overview of how your career developed so you can talk them through your resume. I wouldn&#;t repeat line by line what&#;s on there, but I&#;d focus on what you&#;ve learned and achieved in past roles. At the end, tell them why you&#;re interested in that position.

&#; Margaret Buj, tech talent acquisition at Typeform

3. What Kind of Role Are You Looking For?

Recruiter&#;s perspective: We want people who are going to be in a role that they will enjoy and that they&#;re going to stay in for a long time. Being really specific about what you like and dislike and the role you see yourself in is better for everybody in the long run. It also gives the recruiter an area to focus on to give you your next steps.

How to answer: I&#;ve had people who will go through the job description bullet by bullet, but that&#;s not what we&#;re looking for. answers that impress me are when a candidate goes the extra mile and shows that they know a lot about our company. They might reference a quote from an interview our CEO did and why it piqued their interest in the role, or reference a company value. It&#;s impressive when people can share an example of how they embody a company value and why it speaks to them.

&#; Maria Selvaggio, VP of people at M1 Finance

More on Job Interviews5 Ways to Talk About Personal Strengths in Interviews


4. Why Did You Leave Your Last Job? Why Are You Looking for Work?

Recruiter&#;s perspective: Every recruiter wants to feel that you&#;re running toward an opportunity you believe is a good fit, as opposed to running away from a bad experience. So, they&#;re trying to get a better sense of what happened at your previous employer. Was it a performance issue? Were you fired? They&#;re looking for those red flags. Just know, if you were laid off, no one is holding that against you. They want to understand what didn&#;t work out and, more importantly, what that means for what you&#;re looking for now. 

How to answer: You don&#;t want to bad mouth whomever you worked for, no matter how horrendous the situation was. The most important thing is to acknowledge whatever your past experience was, and then pivot to what you learned from that experience, what you&#;re looking for in a job and the opportunity this job provides.

&#; Amanda Augustine, career expert at TopResume

5. How Much Do You Know About Our Company?

Recruiter&#;s perspective: They want to know that you took 10 seconds to learn about them. We get that you&#;re applying to a lot of jobs, but we also want to feel there&#;s something about this company that you&#;re interested in &#; or that you have at least taken a few minutes to Google our name. You&#;re hoping that [the interviewer] looked at your resume before the call, so it&#;s a mutual respect thing.

How to answer: At this point, there&#;s no excuse for getting on a interview and not having an answer. If you know the interview is in a couple days, set up a Google News alert for the organization and look at the people who will be interviewing you. 

You should be able to speak to the type of work [the company does], who they cater to based on how they market themselves and what they say about themselves. Make sure to find something that sparks your interest in the job, the company&#;s mission or its values, and relate it back to the work you might be doing. It will sound more genuine, and people are looking for the genuine, authentic you. 

&#; Amanda Augustine, career expert at TopResume

6. Why Are You Interested in Working Here?

Recruiter&#;s perspective: What we&#;ve learned during the last couple years, certainly during the pandemic, is that companies want to hire people who are excited about what the organization is doing. 

How to answer: You need to have an answer that spans a few different areas. It can be about the tech stack they&#;re working in, it could be the client population that they support or the products and tools they sell. It could be about the mentorship or career development that happens in the organization. It&#;s not enough to just say you would be excited to work for them. Do some research on the organization. Understand what its mission is, what its values are, how it treats employees and how you can relate to that. 

&#; Lesia Harhaj, director of career success at Fullstack Academy

7. What Can You Bring to This Role?

Recruiter&#;s perspective: They want to see whether the candidate understands what&#;s required to do the job, and if they have the experience that they&#;re looking for. It&#;s interesting to see what the candidate can bring to the role. Sometimes I&#;ll also ask a candidate &#;What is your superpower?&#; Because there are skills you might not list on a resume. I can&#;t tell, for example,  that you have great attention to detail or you&#;re amazing at influencing people.

How to answer: Don&#;t just give a generic answer. Focus on your specific skills and qualities that are relevant to the job. Look at the hard skills and the soft skills in the job description and see how you can quantify some of them. If you&#;re a developer, don&#;t just say you have React experience. Say, &#;I have seven years of React experience and I&#;ve used it in projects including [example].&#; If you say you&#;re good with customers, think about how you can back that up. Reference a manager&#;s feedback or your customer satisfaction scores.

&#; Margaret Buj, tech talent acquisition at Typeform

More on Job InterviewsHow to Answer &#;Why Should We Hire You?&#;

8. Tell Me About a Challenge You Faced and How You Handled It. 

Recruiter&#;s perspective: They just want to see whether this person has experience solving similar challenges to what we&#;ll be doing here in our company. If you haven&#;t solved the exact challenge before, what&#;s your thought process? 

How to answer: You&#;ll want to use the STAR method &#; situation, task, action, result &#; and ideally you&#;d want to pick an example that&#;s going to be relevant to the position you&#;re applying for. To give a well-rounded answer, it&#;s important to provide some context.

Let&#;s say you were working on a project, when was it and how big was that project? What was going on at the company at the time? It&#;s about setting the scene and showing the complexity of what you did. Then talk about the specific role you played in the project and the result. The more you quantify the result, like how much money the project made or that it was completed on time, the better.

 &#; Margaret Buj, tech talent acquisition at Typeform

9. What Is Something You Worked on That You&#;re Proud of?

Recruiter&#;s perspective: We&#;re looking for your passion; we&#;re looking for what excites you. There&#;s no wrong answer besides having no answer. It shows your ability to get excited about something and to talk through your problem-solving process. We want people who are excited about the work that they do no matter what it is and can explain it in a concise way.

How to answer: You can talk about anything, whether that&#;s your work, hobbies or school. When someone says &#;Oh, I've got the perfect thing that I can tell you about&#; and they light up as they&#;re talking about it &#; that&#;s what we&#;re looking for. An engineer might talk about a side project they worked on and how they pulled data from a data set, drew insights from that data and then built an app. We&#;re listening for the ability to explain things concisely and enthusiasm.

&#; Maria Selvaggio, VP of people at M1 Finance

More on Job Interviews35 Behavioral Interview Questions and How to Answer Them

10. Describe a Recent Project and What Your Role Was.

Recruiter&#;s perspective: They want to know if you can actually explain your project to a layperson. Most [developers] are primarily on an engineering team, but engineering teams are not your only stakeholders. Can you have a conversation with the product team to explain how something works? If you&#;re client-facing, can you talk in a manner that a client can understand? Your ability to translate the tech stack and platforms in a way that anyone can understand also shows that you have an understanding of that skill set.    

How to answer: Have a couple-sentence-long description ready about why you chose that project and what the goal was. Then describe what you did. Were you responsible for the front end or the back end? If you built an e-commerce platform, did you build the shopping cart? Then reference the actual technical implementation plan that you performed. 

&#; Lesia Harhaj, director of career success, Fullstack Academy

11. What Kind of Job Environment Do You Work Best in?

Recruiter&#;s perspective: This question is really about trying to determine culture fit and whether or not you&#;re going to thrive in the company&#;s work environment. Not every environment or culture is going to work for everyone, and that&#;s OK. Being honest about what environment works best for you is going to be best for everyone in the long run.

How to answer: Interviewees have a tendency to tell the interviewer what they want to hear, but being honest and direct about what you need for your own happiness and productivity is going to keep you at the job a lot longer. If you&#;re new to the workforce, ask yourself where you go when you need to study. What types of groups do you like working with on projects? If you play sports, what role do you usually play on the team? Every answer will be different, but it&#;s important to think about the environments where you&#;ve been the most productive and that brings out the best in you.

&#; Maria Selvaggio, VP of people at M1 Finance

12. Describe a Time You Were Asked to Change Your Actions to Meet Someone Else&#;s Needs? Do You Feel That Was Fair?

Recruiter&#;s perspective: When they ask if the demand was fair, they can suss out if [the candidate] has resentment they&#;re going to carry into whatever they do. With startups, you need somebody who can come in and modify their actions. So, you want to evaluate how they handle that situation. All of that information will help you decide if they fit into the company culture.

How to answer: First, I would recommend [candidates] look at the top three bullets in the role&#;s job requirements. Then come up with a story you can give in 90 seconds or less about an experience in your own work life that is applicable. Try to include metrics, whether it&#;s the amount of money involved or the timeline of the experience. That way, the recruiter can start to visualize what you&#;ve accomplished.  

&#; Lynn Kindler, senior career strategist at Executive Career Partners

13. Tell Me About a Time You Made an Unpopular Decision. 

Recruiter&#;s perspective: They want to see that you don&#;t get all caught up in [team politics]. They want to see that you can keep the focus on what needs to be done, when you are going to do it and what&#;s going to happen, rather than how people will feel. 

How to answer: How I&#;ve handled this in the past is telling a story about these multi-million dollar requests for proposals that we had to put together in three days. Not very many people were happy, but it had to be done, and people had to get on board. So, I described what I did and what I learned. The manager is not always the most popular person, but you&#;ve got to get people on board.

&#; Lynn Kindler, senior career strategist at Executive Career Partners

More on Job InterviewsMastering the Thank You After an Interview

14. Tell Me About a Time You Communicated Effectively and Made Work Relationships Stronger.

Recruiter&#;s perspective: They want to find out what the person&#;s communication style is. Some people will hem and haw around what they want you to do or [phrase directives] as questions. Other people are very direct. In a startup, the person&#;s communication style can be very important. 

How to answer: I&#;m thinking about when I was working with a partner at an IT consulting company. I remember her taking me into the hallway and talking to me in the middle of putting together a huge request for proposals, and her telling me, &#;Lynn, you scared the hell out of me.&#; Because when I get going, I get very short. So I took a breath, and I listened to her and thanked her for being honest with me. Our relationship shifted from that moment on.

So, I&#;d want somebody to show they have awareness about how they communicate, and that they&#;re open to learning a new way of communicating with each person that comes into their world.

&#; Lynn Kindler, senior career strategist at Executive Career Partners

15. Have You Worked With Our Tech Stack? How Comfortable Are You With It?

Recruiter&#;s perspective: They&#;re trying to get a sense of whether you&#;ll be able to work in the environment they throw you in. They may also ask you about the team sizes you&#;ve worked on and whether you worked in agile versus waterfall [software development styles], because it has to do with the pacing of the job. They&#;ll start by sharing their stack with you, and then get a sense of your experience with it. 

How to answer: You want to be prepared to talk about a couple projects or products you&#;ve worked on and how you&#;ve used those languages. If you&#;re fresh out of school, it could be a passion project or something you&#;ve done on your own. Or it could be a group project or certification. 

If you don&#;t have experience, you can say it&#;s a skill you&#;re interested in learning. It&#;s best to be honest about your skill set and intention because, if that company can&#;t give you what you need to succeed like mentorship or training, it&#;s not going to be a good fit.

&#; Amanda Augustine, career expert at TopResume

16. What Are Your Salary Expectations?

Recruiter&#;s perspective: Sometimes people think that by withholding their salary preferences to the end they are somehow giving themselves a leg up. That&#;s frustrating to us as a recruiter because we&#;re on your side. We want you to get the job. We can&#;t fight for you unless we know what salary you&#;re looking for. That&#;s why we ask the question. And when you&#;re talking to hiring managers, giving them that information up front makes the process smoother.

How to answer: Sometimes people answer with where they&#;re at now salary-wise, which is helpful information. Other times, they&#;ll ask for a salary based on research they&#;ve done. They might say, &#;I&#;m really aiming for this salary, but I&#;m flexible with other perks.&#; 

You&#;re never going to paint yourself into a corner by giving an honest answer to this question, even if your number is higher than our salary range for the position. Hiring managers appreciate people who are upfront about their salary, and if we can do it, we&#;ll do it. Otherwise, we&#;ll give you the best deal we can. But your salary request doesn&#;t ever discount your chances for the job.

&#; Maria Selvaggio, VP of people at M1 Finance

More on Job InterviewsHow to Answer &#;What Are Your Salary Expectations?&#;

17. When Can You Start?

Recruiter&#;s perspective: I&#;m looking for the truth. Generally, people will say they can start after their two-week notice, but this is also the time to let the recruiter or hiring manager know that you have a three-week vacation at the end of the month that will affect your start date. My job is to figure out what your timeline looks like and determine whether that syncs with our timeline.

How to answer: There&#;s no wrong way to answer it, but sometimes the timelines don&#;t match up. For example, a college student might say they can&#;t start until they graduate in June and the role is open for March. In those cases, we may have to say, &#;We&#;ll keep you in mind for the future.&#;

If you are flexible, tell the recruiter that up front, &#;I can be as flexible as you need me to be, but I don&#;t think that I can start until June.&#; Then we can come back and try to make the timelines work. But if we&#;re ready to give you an offer and all of a sudden you tell us you have a three-month-long vacation and you can&#;t start yet &#; it&#;s a waste of everybody&#;s time.

&#; Maria Selvaggio, VP of people at M1 Finance

18. Do You Have Any Questions for Me?

Recruiter&#;s perspective: The worst answer you can give to this question is, &#;No, you pretty much answered everything.&#; You need to ask at least one question. Remember, interviewing is a two-way street.

How to answer: It&#;s important to have a few questions you can ask anyone.

  • How would you describe the company culture? 
  • What changes has the company made since going remote? 
  • If I were to take this role, what are three things you&#;d want me to accomplish?

Depending on whom you&#;re speaking to, you can ask at least one, if not two, questions that haven&#;t been answered already during your conversation.

&#; Amanda Augustine, career expert at TopResume 

More on Job Interviews22 Questions to Ask Before Accepting a Job

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a interview?

A interview is a job interview held over the between a job candidate and a company recruiter. It is often one of the first stages of the interview process, and is conducted to screen candidates and determine if they would be a suitable fit for the role.

What to expect in a 15-minute interview?

During a 15-minute interview, candidates are likely to be asked about their background, job experience, skills and why they want to work for the company. They may also be asked about salary expectations and when they could start working in the role.

How serious is a interview?

A interview is important to take seriously as it is the first interview that can occur after a job application is submitted, and it helps recruiters decide whether a candidate should move forward in the interview process. It is also often the first instance of verbal communication between a candidate and prospective company, so a good first impression is critical.

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