How do I know what range, or scale, to set my power/ ...

02 Jul.,2024


How do I know what range, or scale, to set my power/ ...

Each given range represents one level of gain of an internal amplifier. The electronics, as always, have a limited Dynamic Range. If the measured signal is too low, in other words near the bottom of the range, then it may be lost in the noise and the reading will be inaccurate and noisy. If it&#;s too high &#; there may be saturation issues. To give an instrument a usefully wide dynamic range, multiple scales or ranges are used. Switching from range to range can be automatic (&#;Autorange&#;), or manual. Autoranging simply starts automatically at the least sensitive range and works its way down the ranges, sampling the signal as it goes, till it finds a range at which the signal is properly detected. Note, by the way, that only in POWER mode is Autoranging available. If we are working in Single Shot Energy mode, there is no Autoranging &#; simply because when we are measuring a single pulse, the instrument has no opportunity to work its way down the ranges as in Power mode.

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