Solar System Types Compared: Grid-Tied, Off-Grid, and ...

20 May.,2024


Solar System Types Compared: Grid-Tied, Off-Grid, and ...

There are three types of solar panel systems: grid-tied (on-grid), off-grid, and hybrid solar systems.

For more information, please visit Off-grid hybrid storage inverter.

Each type of system has a unique setup that affects what equipment is used, the complexity of installation, and, most crucially, your potential costs and savings.

What would be the best in your situation? Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of different solar system types.

Calculate the price of a solar panel installation on your home

Grid-tied solar systems

Grid-tied systems are solar panel installations that are connected to the utility power grid. With a grid-connected system, a home can use the solar energy produced by its solar panels and electricity that comes from the utility grid. 

If the solar panels generate more electricity than a home needs, the excess is sent to the grid. In some places, a utility will purchase the solar energy sent to the grid in the form of a bill credit to offset future electricity costs thanks to a billing structure called net metering. 

Grid-tied solar panel systems are so popular because they provide the best value for how much they cost, especially in areas with full-retail net metering. Their cost is low because they require less equipment than other solar system types. However, this also means grid-tied systems can’t keep your lights on when the power is out.

  • Cheapest home solar system

  • Less equipment

  • No backup power

See how much a grid-tied solar system can save you annually

Off-grid solar systems

An off-grid solar system is a solar panel system that has no connection to the utility grid at all. To keep a house running off-grid, you need solar panels, a significant amount of battery storage, and usually another backup power source, like a gas-powered generator.

Sometimes called standalone systems, they’re common among homeowners who don’t have access to the grid, like in rural areas or remote cabins.

Believe it or not, there are plenty of places throughout the country that the utility grid doesn’t service. Off-grid systems give these remote areas access to electricity. Being off-grid also makes you more self-reliant; you’re not beholden to a utility company, and the power is in your hands. 

But, off-grid systems are very expensive. You need a lot of battery storage to power an entire home without help from the grid, and the cost adds up. Going off-grid also requires certain lifestyle changes. You have to be very energy-conscious when you don’t have a grid with unlimited supply. Off-grid homeowners need to monitor their consumption and solar production to ensure they have the electricity needed. 

  • Provides electricity where there is no grid access

  • Self-reliant

  • Very expensive

  • Requires lifestyle changes

Hybrid solar systems

Hybrid solar systems combine the best of grid-tied and off-grid solar systems; the solar panels are attached to batteries and the utility grid. You’ll commonly see hybrid solar systems referred to as “solar-plus-storage” systems. 

Solar-plus-storage systems are popular in areas that experience frequent grid failures or in places that don’t have full-retail net metering. Without a battery, solar panels can't run your home when the power goes out. Batteries also allow you to rely less on the grid by using stored energy when your solar panels aren’t producing electricity. This also maximizes the amount of clean energy your home uses! 

Plus, batteries can even save a bit more money if you don't have access full retail net metering. However, the high upfront cost of batteries means they often don't pencil out financially.

Here are some of the pros and cons of installing a hybrid solar-plus-storage system

  • Provide backup power

  • Increase energy independence

  • Can potentially save more money on electricity bills

  • Expensive

  • Not always the right financial choice

How to pick the best solar system for you

A simple grid-tied system will usually be the best financial choice. Grid-tied systems generally provide the best return on investment because of their low upfront cost and simple system design. 

However, there are some cases where a hybrid system may make the most sense for you, especially if you experience regular power outages. If you really value energy independence and maximizing the amount of renewable energy your home uses, then a solar plus storage system could be just what you’re looking for. 

For more Load management hybrid storage inverterinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.

Off-grid systems are probably the least practical for everyday homeowners. But they are excellent for remote areas and may be the right choice for your mountain cabin.

The best way to figure out the right solar system for you is by contacting solar companies near you. Local solar installers will have the best understanding of the right solar system to install in your area and how you can get the most out of your solar panels. 

Find reliable solar companies near you

Hybrid vs. On-Grid vs. Off Grid Solar Inverter

With increased awareness in the environmental sector, people have now realized the importance of renewable energy resources. And when we talk about such help, the sun’s ability to power an entire home is a case not to be missed. Three powerful solar inverters are available in the market: Hybrid, On-Grid, and Off Grid inverters. However, which one of these is the best? And which option should you consider for my home? If you are also a part of that large group of people searching for answers to similar questions, look no further, as you are already on the right path. Keep on reading, and the forthcoming content will discuss an unbiased comparison of off-grid vs. off-grid vs. hybrid solar inverters. So without any further discussion, let’s start with the content.

The forthcoming content is divided into various pieces for your better understanding. Please have a look.


Hybrid solar inverter


 A hybrid solar inverter is an exciting device. It is the combination of a solar and battery inverter altogether. Hence, the user can manage the power supply from solar batteries, solar panels, or the utility grid at a single time. 


Pros of hybrid systems
  • ● Backup is provided: the first and foremost benefit of obtaining a hybrid system is that it draws all powered access from the grid if the energy extracted from the sun is insufficient. In addition, storage batteries also grant backups in the case of grid failure. Hence what you get is a constant power supply in all situations.

  • ● Optimal utilization of resources: as the system maintains a direct connection with the battery, the optimal utilization of renewable resources is ensured.

  • ● Can function in distinguished ways: most systems are programmed to work in diverse modes. That means it can serve as a typical solar inverter, storing the excess solar energy during the day and spending it at night. Or you can switch on the backup mode to use it as a solar inverter when the grid is connected. It automatically switches off to backup power mode during a grid outage. Finally, you can use the inverter as an off-grid inverter if you need to; change the settings.

Cons of hybrid systems
  • The only con of the hybrid inverter is its high installation cost.
  • Although the system doesn’t need constant maintenance, installation costs three times more than any other solar system.

Off-grid solar inverter


Off Grid solar inverters do not maintain a direct connection to the utility grid. Instead, they operate independently. And since the system isn’t connected to the grid, there is high battery storage. It is specially designed to fulfill all the energy requirements of the installation area. Therefore, the off-grid systems are an efficient option for places far from the electricity grid, such as the camping area or picnic spots. 


Pros of the off-grid solar system
  • ●  Money efficiency: one of the most incredible benefits of obtaining a hybrid system is its cost efficiency. The investor does not demand maintenance frequently. As a result, you are free from spending tons of money on servicing chores.
  • ● Energy independence: this solar system grants you complete freedom from the utility company. Hence you do not have to worry about monthly bills anymore.
  • ● Power remote areas: The solar inverter allows you to handle remote power supply where enough energy isn’t present.
  • ● Most energy efficient choice: another significant perk you can enjoy with it is its energy consciousness. That means the system helps you generate your power, sourcing the hyper-local level at its utmost.
  • ● Freedom from the blackouts: maintain all the power supply even in local utility power outages with this inverter. Just purchase a device and install it to make your neighbor wonder whether you are an electricity man or a magician.
Cons of the off-grid solar system
  • ● Limited energy storage: off-grid hybrid solar inverter allows for minted storage. Hence it isn’t the best choice for a larger-scale energy supply
  • ● No backup: the off-grid solar inverters cannot utilize the grid energy. Hence they can be a useless device to own in an arid climate


On-grid solar inverter:

 Also known as the grid-tied solar system, the on-grid solar inverters are the most common systems used for residential and commercial usage. It does not need additional batteries and is directly connected to the utility grid. Unlike other forms of inverters that increase the cost by requiring huge energy backups when the sun is not producing enough energy, the on-grid solar system is pretty cost-efficient. It utilizes the already-produced electricity by the utility when the system is short of fuel.However, please remember that an on-grid solar inverter might not work in case of utility power failure. 

Pros of on-grid solar inverters
  • ● Massive reduction in electricity bills: the on-grid hybrid solar inverter provides you the ease to the surplus electricity bills only, reducing a subsequent amount every month. According to a recent survey conducted in California, United States Of America, most house owners could reduce about 90 percent of the amount from their monthly bills with this solar system.
  • ● Easy to maintain: on solar grid system eliminates all batteries allowing you to enjoy easy maintenance. In addition, all of the cost to keep the batteries is also minimized.
  • ● Better rate of ROI; on-grid solar inverters cost you way less than other types because they have no batteries. However, the amount of energy generated is more than other forms. In addition, the massive reduction in monthly bills and fewer maintenance costs have allowed the customers to enjoy about 25 to 30 percent return on the investment they have made on the purchase of solar systems.
  • ● Synchronization with other power resources: these types of solar systems synchronize with the diesel generators on site, which is essential if grid power is unavailable
  • ● Reducing carbon footprint: It generates renewable clean energy that does not produce greenhouse gasses. As a result, you contribute to the planet’s and humanity’s well-being.
  • ● Earn money from the government: some of the world’s developed countries, such as the United Kingdom and the US, count you as an eligible individual for financial incentives. That means you get a subsequent discount on deed-in tariffs and other subsidies. Hence, make sure to go through your country’s laws in this regard to reap the maximum amount of benefits from the situation.
  • ● Increase the value of your house: as on-grid solar inverters help to minimize monthly expenses, they can be a great way to enhance your house value for commercial purposes. Let’s say we all want luxurious life in a well-equipped house. And such solar systems allow a home to increase its functionality.
Cons of on-grid solar inverters
  • ● Upfront cost: installation cost is pretty high for such inverters. Nevertheless, it gets dropped to a more significant extent after you use it.
  • ● Dependency on the grid: the user might face a power outage if obtaining an on-grid system without makeup power. In such cases, the inverters fail to supply power for longer than 1 or 2 hours.
  • ● Maintenance can be a timing task: the solar panels need regular maintenance. That means you may need to clean them regularly to maintain efficiency. Conversely, if you fail to provide the required amount of service, the solar panel may show a subsequent decrease in performance, causing you to face energy outrage.
  • ● Doesn’t suit all homes: unlike the hybrid solar inverter 3 phase, such panels need a sunny location to get installed. Hence, going with such inverters might be wrong if your home isn’t in a suitable area.


Which inverter is the best one

Now that we are done comparing most hybrid solar inverters, off-grid hybrid solar inverters, and on-grid solar inverters, the next step is to choose one option among them. Follow the below-mentioned steps to get this task done Steps.

1. Determine the location of your house. If your house is in a sunny area, then you can use an on-grid system. However, choose an off-grid or hybrid solar power inverter if you reside in an area without round-the-clock sun exposure. 

2. Next, determine your budget. For people with a low budget, go with a Hybrid solar charger inverter. You can check for the hybrid solar inverter price on google. However, if you have a reasonable budget, you can select an option from the other two types. 

3. Once you are done choosing, research the market to choose the best hybrid solar inverter/ on-grid inverter or off-grid inverter. 

4. Ask a professional for installation. 


In the bottom line, there are three significant types of solar inverters available in the market: MPP solar hybrid inverters, on-grid, and off-grid systems. The content below discusses an unbiased review of all. Plus, there is a guide to choosing the correct option. Make sure not to purchase the off-grid solar inverter without a battery; you are all good to go. So make sure you read the entire content very carefully. 

Contact us to discuss your requirements of marine hybrid storage inverter. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.