Ultimate Guide to NDT: Methods, Tools, and Applications

26 Aug.,2024


Ultimate Guide to NDT: Methods, Tools, and Applications


NDT refers to an array of inspection techniques that allow inspectors to collect data about a material without damaging it.

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NDT stands for Non-Destructive Testing. It refers to an array of inspection methods that allow inspectors to evaluate and collect data about a material, system, or component without permanently altering it.

In the field, NDT is often used as an umbrella term to refer to non-destructive inspection methods, inspection tools, or even the entire field of non-destructive inspections. 

For commercial applications, the goal of NDT is to ensure that critical infrastructure is properly maintained in order to avoid catastrophic accidents.

While NDT methods are typically associated with industrial use cases, like inspecting weak points in a boiler at an oil refinery, uses in medicine are actually some of the most common.

For example, an expecting mother getting an ultrasound to check on the health of her baby would be considered an NDT use case, as would getting an X-ray or MRI to learn more about an injury.

But it&#;s important to note that NDT does not necessarily require the use of special tools, or any tools at all.

For instance, when inspectors in industrial settings review the outside of a pressure vessel with their naked eye, that would fall under the NDT designation, since they are collecting data on the status of the boiler without damaging it. On the other hand, using a sophisticated tool like an ultrasonic sensor to look for defects in a certain material or asset would also be called NDT.

Regardless of the specific use case, the underlying commonality among all these examples is the collection of data in a non-intrusive manner.

What Is NDT?

We&#;ve already covered what NDT stands for and how the phrase is used in the field. Now let&#;s dive in and look more closely at some of the details that govern the world of NDT.

The Importance of NDT

When it comes to ensuring that assets are properly maintained, the importance of non-destructive testing cannot be over emphasized.

Here are the top reasons NDT is used by so many companies throughout the world:

  • Savings. The most obvious answer to this question is that NDT is more appealing than destructive testing because it allows the material or object being examined to survive the examination unharmed, thus saving money and resources.

  • Safety. NDT is also appealing because almost all NDT techniques (except radiographic testing) are harmless to people.

  • Efficiency. NDT methods allow for the thorough and relatively quick evaluation of assets, which can be crucial for ensuring continued safety and performance on a job site.

  • Accuracy. NDT methods have been proven accurate and predictable, both qualities you want when it comes to maintenance procedures meant to ensure the safety of personnel and the longevity of equipment.

"NDT is the life blood of a well-run facility, and the high importance of NDT is known by any trained inspector. NDT techniques and repeatable results depend on highly trained technicians with experience and integrity. Not only does the technician need to be certified in a specific NDT method, but they also need to know how to operate the equipment being used to gather data. Understanding equipment capabilities and limitations is the difference between making an accept or reject determination."

- Jason Acerbi, General Manager at MFE Inspection Solutions, "Your One Stop Inspection Source"

Where is NDT Used? 

Depending on how broadly you define NDT you could say that it&#;s used in almost every industry in the world, since visual inspections (whether formalized or casual) take place in almost every workplace in some form or other.

That being said, there are specific industries that require NDT and have formalized processes for its use, as codified by those organizations we listed above like API and ASME.

These industries include:

  • Oil & Gas

  • Power Generation

  • Chemicals

  • Mining

  • Aerospace

  • Automotive

  • Maritime

  • Mining

In all of these industries, there are three different methods that inspectors use to gain access to hard-to-reach locations or locations at height:

  • Scaffolding. The use of scaffolding requires inspectors to work at height in person in order to collect inspection data.

  • Rope access. The use of rope access also requires inspectors to work at height in order to collect inspection data. Learn more about rope access and how it's used by inspectors in this guide.

  • Drones. Inspectors can use drones to collect inspection data remotely, allowing them to remain safely outside of confined spaces or safely below locations at height. Read the next section to learn more about how drones can be used for NDT.

NDT Codes and Standards

NDT techniques can be used for all kinds of inspections. But some of the most important types of NDT inspections are of assets like boilers and pressure vessels, which could be incredibly dangerous if not properly maintained.

Because proper maintenance of these assets is so important for the safety of those working nearby (or even at a distance, when it comes to nuclear power plants), most countries have laws requiring companies to adhere to specific inspection codes and standards when conducting inspections.

These standards and codes typically require inspections to be conducted periodically following specific guidelines. For the most assets that present the greatest risk, these inspections must be both conducted by a certified inspector and approved by a certified witness working for a formal inspection body.

Here are the most commonly followed organizations in the world for creating NDT standards and codes:

  • API (American Petroleum Institute)

  • ASME (American Society for Mechanical Engineers)

  • ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) 

  • ASNT (American Society For Nondestructive Testing)

  • COFREND (French Committee for Non-destructive Testing Studies)

  • CSA Group (Canadian Standards Association)

  • CGSB (Canadian General Standards Board)

What Is the Difference Between Destructive Testing and Non-Destructive Testing?

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) is used to collect information about a material in ways that do not alter it (i.e., without destroying it). Destructive Testing (DT) is used to collect information about a material in ways that do alter it (i.e., destroy it). 

Essentially, the NDT and DT difference is that NDT doesn't require inspectors to damage the material they test, while DT does.

In Destructive Testing, for example, a piece of the material might be scraped away for analysis or altered in some other way onsite. 

Here are some examples of destructive testing:

  • Macro sectioning. Macro sectioning tests a small section of a welded material by polishing and etching it for examination.

  • Tensile testing. Also called tension testing, this is a destructive testing technique that uses controlled tension applied to a sample material to see how it reacts. Tension could be applied to test certain loads or conditions, or to test a material&#;s failure point. 

  • 3 point bend testing. 3 point bend testing examines the soundness and flexibility (or ductility) of a material by taking a sample of it, called a coupon, and bending it in three points to a specified angle.

Read our guide on destructive testing to learn more.


While we're defining terms, it's important to note that there are a few common phrases that refer to testing materials without destroying them.

NDT is the most common phrase, but there are a few others as well:

  • NDE (non-destructive examination or non-destructive evaluation)

  • NDI (non-destructive inspection)

The NDE full form is non-destructive examination or non-destructive evaluation, and the NDI full form is non-destructive inspection.

The 8 Most Common NDT Methods 

There are several techniques used in NDT and NDE for the collection of various types of data, each requiring its own kind of tools, training, and preparation. 

Some of these techniques might allow for a complete volumetric inspection of an object, while others only allow for a surface inspection. In a similar way, some NDT methods will have varying degrees of success depending on the type of material they&#;re used on, and some techniques&#;such as Magnetic Particle NDT, for example&#;will only work on specific materials (i.e., those that can be magnetized).

Here are the eight most commonly used NDT techniques:

1. Visual Testing (VT)

Definition: Visual Non-Destructive Testing is the act of collecting visual data on the status of a material. Visual Testing is the most basic way to examine a material or object without altering it in any way. 

How to Conduct Visual Testing

Visual Testing can be done with the naked eye, by inspectors visually reviewing a material or asset. For indoor Visual Testing, inspectors use flashlights to add depth to the object being examined. Visual Testing can also be done with an RVI (Remote Visual Inspection) tool, like an inspection camera. To get the camera in place, NDT inspectors may use a robot or drone, or may simply hang it from a rope.

Read our guide on visual testing.

2. Ultrasonic Testing (UT)

Definition: Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Testing is the process of  transmitting high-frequency sound waves into a material in order to identify changes in the material&#;s properties. 

How to Conduct Ultrasonic Testing

In general, Ultrasonic Testing uses sound waves to detect defects or imperfections on the surface of a material created.

One of the most common Ultrasonic Testing methods is the pulse echo. With this technique, inspectors introduce sounds into a material and measure the echos (or sound reflections) produced by imperfections on the surface of the material as they are returned to a receiver.

Here are some other types of Ultrasonic Testing:

  • Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT)

  • Automated Ultrasonic Testing (AUT)

  • Time-Of-Flight Diffraction (TOFD)

Read our guide on ultrasonic testing.

3. Radiography Testing (RT)

Definition: Radiography Non-Destructive Testing is the act of using gamma- or X-radiation on materials to identify imperfections. 

How to Conduct Radiography NDT Testing

Radiography Testing directs radiation from a radioactive isotope or an X-ray generator through the material being tested and onto a film or some other kind of detector. The readings from the detector create a shadowgraph, which reveals the underlying aspects of the inspected material. 

Radiography Testing can uncover aspects of a material that can be hard to detect with the naked eye, such as alterations to its density.

Read our guide on industrial radiography.

4. Eddy Current (Electromagnetic) Testing (ET)

Definition: Eddy Current Non-Destructive Testing is a type of electromagnetic testing that uses measurements of the strength of electrical currents (also called eddy currents) in a magnetic field surrounding a material in order to make determinations about the material, which may include the locations of defects.

How to Conduct Eddy Current Testing

To conduct Eddy Current Testing, inspectors examine the flow of eddy currents in the magnetic field surrounding a conductive material to identify interruptions caused by defects or imperfections in the material.

Read our guide on eddy current testing.

5. Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI)

Definition: Magnetic Particle Non-Destructive Testing is the act of identifying imperfections in a material by examining disruptions in the flow of the magnetic field within the material.

How to Conduct Magnetic Particle Inspection

To use Magnetic Particle Inspection, inspectors first induce a magnetic field in a material that is highly susceptible to magnetization. After inducing the magnetic field, the surface of the material is then covered with iron particles, which reveal disruptions in the flow of the magnetic field. These disruptions create visual indicators for the locations of imperfections within the material.

Read our guide on magnetic particle inspection. 

6. Acoustic Emission Testing (AE) 

Definition: Acoustic Emission Non-Destructive Testing is the act of using acoustic emissions to identify possible defects and imperfections in a material.

How to Conduct Acoustic Emission Testing

Inspectors conducting Acoustic Emission Tests are examining materials for bursts of acoustic energy, also called acoustic emissions, which are caused by defects in the material. Intensity, location, and arrival time can be examined to reveal information about possible defects within the material.

Read our guide on acoustic emission testing.

7. Dye Penetrant testing (PT)

Definition: Dye Penetrant Penetrant Non-Destructive Testing (also called Liquid Penetrant Testing) refers to the process of using a liquid to coat a material and then looking for breaks in the liquid to identify imperfections in the material.

How to Conduct Penetrant Testing

Inspectors conducting a Penetrant Test will first coat the material being tested with a solution that contains a visible or fluorescent dye. Inspectors then remove any extra solution from the material&#;s surface while leaving the solution in defects that &#;break&#; the material&#;s surface.

After this, inspectors use a developer to draw the solution out of the defects, then use ultraviolet light to reveal imperfections (for fluorescent dyes). For regular dyes, the color shows in the contrast between the penetrant and the developer.

Read our guide on dye penetrant testing.

8. Leak Testing (LT)

Definition: Leak Non-Destructive Testing refers to the process of studying leaks in a vessel or structure in order to identify defects in it.

How to Conduct Leak Testing

Inspectors can detect leaks within a vessel using measurements taken with a pressure gauge, soap-bubble tests, or electronic listening devices, among others.

Read our guide on leak testing.

Welding NDT

Welding NDT is the use of non-destructive testing to inspect a weld.

Welds are one of the most common parts of industrial assets that inspectors test. Using non-destructive weld testing equipment, inspectors can determine whether a weld is strong or has potential defects that could compromise its integrity.

The most common flaws found in weld NDT are:

  • Poor weld quality due to the presence of slag

  • Fatigue caused by human error

  • Flaws caused by incorrect technique or setup in how the weld was created

  • Environmental damage to the weld (i.e., temperature extremes, the presence of moisture, or the use of incompatible metals)

The most common welding NDT methods include:

  • Ultrasonic testing NDT

  • Magnetic particle inspection NDT

  • Acoustic emission NDT

  • Dye penetrant NDT

  • Radiography NDT

  • Eddy Current NDT

A visual inspection can be used for weld NDT, to help inspectors make basic determinations about the strength of a weld, though its findings may be more limited than the above welding testing methods.

Welding NDT test of a crack performed via magnetic particle inspection 

The goal of using NDT for welding is to identify defects on the surface or within the weld that could cause the weld to deteriorate or fail.

If a weld fails, the consequences can be very serious, since welds are often crucial for the integrity of large industrial assets, like boilers or pressure vessels.

What is the best NDT welding inspection method?

Although all the methods listed above can be used for welding NDT, the best method is ultrasonic testing using the phased array approach.

This welding test method can be done fairly quickly without a lot of setup work required or extra NDT equipment, providing high quality data in a short period of time.

Destructive and Non-Destructive Testing in Welding

We've already covered the primary welding NDT methods, which are inspection methods inspectors use to test weld without causing any damage to them.

But inspectors also use destructive testing to inspect welds.

 The most common types of destructive weld testing are:

  • Guided bend weld test. Bending a sample section of the weld to predetermined radius to make determinations about its internal structure.

  • Macro etch weld testing. Removing a small sample from the weld, polishing the samples, then etching on the samples with an acid mixture in order to test the internal makeup of the weld.

  • Transverse tension test. Testing the tensile properties of the base metal, the weld metal, and the bond between them.

How Drones Can Help with NDT

In the last several years drones equipped with cameras have become another tool commonly used in NDT for collecting visual data.

Due to limitations in the technology, for some time drones could only provide supplementary visual data for inspectors, but could not take the place of inspectors physically collecting visual data themselves.

However, as drone technology has improved, inspectors have been able to use drones more and more as RVI tools, in some instances completely replacing the need for them to collect visual data manually.

Here are two of the primary ways drones are helping with NDT these days:


By removing the need for inspectors to enter dangerous confined spaces in order to collect visual data drones are helping improve safety in the workplace.

For outdoor inspections of assets like power lines or towers, using a drone to collect visual data reduces the amount of time a person needs to physically be in the air on the tower or line.

For indoor inspections of assets like pressure vessels or boilers, using a drone like the Elios 3 to collect visual data means the inspector does not have to enter a confined space to do so, again helping significantly reduce the exposure to risk.


Drones can help companies improve their ROI in both indoor and outdoor scenarios, but savings are especially significant for indoor inspections.

Using a professional indoor drone instead of sending an inspector in to collect visual data manually means that companies save on not having to build and take down scaffolding, and can reduce downtimes associated with those requirements, in some cases by as much as one to two days.

Because a drone inspection can be mounted quickly, inspections can be conducted more frequently, helping to identify issues earlier and increasing the longevity of the asset. These early discoveries can save companies hundreds of thousands of dollars with a single inspection.

What&#;s Next for Drones in NDT?

To date, the primary use case for drones in NDT has been for the collection of visual data.

But in the last few years, in addition to cameras, several types of sensors used in NTD have been attached to drones, including thermal, ultrasonic, magnetic, and radiographic sensors.

New sensors supporting NDT methods are constantly being developed for use with drones, allowing inspectors to collect an even wider variety of data without even touching an asset.

In addition, software developed to meet the needs of inspectors is growing in both market and capability. The software can work directly with a drone&#;s data collection, like Inspector 4.0, the most up-to-date version of Flyability&#;s inspection software. 

Using Inspector 4.0, inspectors can quickly create a sparse 3D model of the asset they&#;re inspecting after the data collection process that shows exactly where defects are located in the asset, successfully addressing a long-time pain point for inspectors. Inspectors can see a defect with the imagery the drone collected and then know where it was using the model's locational information, saving hours of work.

Manually reviewing the mountains of data provided by inspection drones would overwhelm a human. As a result, software designed to help inspectors make sense of the information gathered has become a necessity rather than a luxury. 

Aided by machine learning and AI, these advanced programs can process and review images of the asset and flag issues for human review. WinCan, for example, is a company that makes software just for sewer inspections. Using an AI-powered algorithm, its software can take raw visual data from a sewer inspection and identify all of the potential defects that might require further inspection or repair.

Advances in drone technology, payload diversity, and data processing are creating a new era of efficiency for NDT and safety for inspectors. 

Read about the seven major benefits drones provide for NDT.


Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography

John D
John D
05:22 Jun-20-
Safe Working Distance for Radiography 05:22 Jun-20-

Can someone help me out? I am trying to figure out how do radiographers calculate the safe working distance from a source. We are in a shutdown and have maintenance crews working in the same areas as RT crews. I know the inverse square law gives us that information, but that is theoretical. What about if they are using a collimator and the pipe is 1/2" thick with a double wall exposure. What would be the actual distance? And what about the direction of the radiation?
Thanks in advance for your help.

00:45 Jun-20-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 00:45 Jun-20-

----------- Start Original Message -----------
: Can someone help me out? I am trying to figure out how do radiographers calculate the safe working distance from a source. We are in a shutdown and have maintenance crews working in the same areas as RT crews. I know the inverse square law gives us that information, but that is theoretical. What about if they are using a collimator and the pipe is 1/2" thick with a double wall exposure. What would be the actual distance? And what about the direction of the radiation?
: Thanks in advance for your help.
------------ End Original Message ------------

01:37 Jun-20-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 01:37 Jun-20-

: You must have a physical barrier at 7.5 ìSv/hr. How do you achieve this? Let’s say you use 250 kV and 4 mA in your example. If no object is in the way for the radiation this gives 6 Sv/hr at 1 metre. If you then use the inverse square law the safety distance is 895 m. For steel and 250 kV the half value layer is 12 mm. So if the incoming radiation is 6 Sv/hr the radiation out is approx. 3 Sv/hr, then you need a safety distance of… 632 m. –Wow. This is how to calculate the safety distance for the central beam of radiation, but in the real life you have other objects around you that absorb the radiation (pipes, valves, etc.), so if don’t want to set up a barrier around half the world you need to measure the radiation level with a dose rate meter.
: : Can someone help me out? I am trying to figure out how do radiographers calculate the safe working distance from a source. We are in a shutdown and have maintenance crews working in the same areas as RT crews. I know the inverse square law gives us that information, but that is theoretical. What about if they are using a collimator and the pipe is 1/2" thick with a double wall exposure. What would be the actual distance? And what about the direction of the radiation?
: : Thanks in advance for your help.
------------ End Original Message ------------

But that's what I am asking. How do you calculate the safe distance if there are things inthe way. Like the pipe you are shooting for example. I know the Inverse Square Law.

Zeki Cosku Gokce
Zeki Cosku Gokce
00:15 Jun-20-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 00:15 Jun-20-

01:41 Jul-15-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 01:41 Jul-15-

You can use the following formula;

A = Ao X e -((LIN2/HVL) X Thickness of steel)

If you need more info just mail me.

10:40 Jan-22-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 10:40 Jan-22-
In Reply to Hannes at 01:41 Jul-15- .

Dear Hannes ,

Could you please help me urgently , Could you give me all the details concerning the calculation of the safe distance during radiography , We are using currently in our site sources of 10, 25, 20 , 35 and 40 curies .Your urgent reply will be highly appreciated.

Best Regards


Csaba Hollo
Joined Feb

Retired,Canada,Joined Feb

19:10 Jan-23-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 19:10 Jan-23-
In Reply to AMINE at 10:40 Jan-22- .

For Iridium 192, your factors are 480 mR(4.8 mSv)/hr/ci @1meter
For Cobalt 60, it is 1.35 R (13.5 mSv)/hr/ci @ 1 meter
For Selenium 75 it is 200 mR (2 mSv)/hr/ci @ 1 meter

Calculate your half or tenth value layers for your shielding, then use the inverse square law for intensity. (twice the distance=one quarter the intensity, conversely, one half the distance=4 times the intensity). Depending on your regulatory boundary limits for exposure to the public, safe distances may vary.
You have to be prepared to understand how the calculations work, and to be able to work this out for yourself as part of your radiation protection plan.

20:12 Jan-23-

For more Ultrasonic Hardness Tester for Saleinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.

Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 20:12 Jan-23-
In Reply to Csaba Hollo at 19:10 Jan-23- .

Don't forget that after all calculations are made you have to test the actual mSv/hour delivered at the barrier all the way around. Calculations are just there to help you guess at the safe distance and the barrier limit is determined by your countries regulations.

Vinoth kumar Kannan
Vinoth kumar Kannan
10:50 Dec-26-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 10:50 Dec-26-
In Reply to Hannes at 01:41 Jul-15- .

Dear Sir/Madam,

Kindly send me the detail abbreviations for Formula A = Ao X e -((LIN2/HVL) X Thickness of steel) please.


Vinoth kumar Kannan

Babu Ram Sharma
NDT Inspector, Riyadh Geotechnique & Foundations, Saudi Arabia, Joined Jan ,
Babu Ram Sharma
NDT Inspector,
Riyadh Geotechnique & Foundations,
Saudi Arabia,
Joined Jan

NDT Inspector,Riyadh Geotechnique & Foundations,Saudi Arabia,Joined Jan

19:50 Jan-04-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 19:50 Jan-04-
In Reply to Vinoth kumar Kannan at 10:50 Dec-26- .

Mr. Vinoth kumar Kannan,

in the formula: A = Ao X e -((LIN2/HVL) X Thickness of steel

A= Final Activity in Curie
Ao= Initial activity in Curie
e= Exponantial
L1N2= constant value(0.)
HVL= Half value layer of Steel (ie. 12.5 mm)
and, thickness of steel which is used for shielding.


y rajasekhar reddy
y rajasekhar reddy
17:36 Aug-22-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 17:36 Aug-22-
In Reply to AMINE at 10:40 Jan-22- .

y.rajasekhar reddy

Could you please help me urgently , Could you give me all the details concerning the calculation of the safe distance during radiography , We are using currently in our site sources of 10, 25, 20 , 35 and 40 curies .Your urgent reply will be highly appreciated.

Best Regards

rajasekhar reddy
rajasekhar reddy
17:41 Aug-22-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 17:41 Aug-22-
In Reply to Zeki Cosku Gokce at 00:15 Jun-20- .

y rajasekhar reddy

Radiography test is 1 curies ho much safe area is covered the barrigation.please give the answer.

18:44 Feb-12-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 18:44 Feb-12-
In Reply to Hannes at 01:41 Jul-15- .

please tell what is the safe distence from origin

Akbar shaik
Akbar shaik
05:56 Apr-10-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 05:56 Apr-10-
In Reply to Hannes at 01:41 Jul-15- .

would you please provide the complete details for calculating the safe barrier distance with various strengths of ir-192. expecting a formula from you sir.

thanking you sir.
Regards, Akbar shaik

Michel Couture
NDT Inspector,
Joined Sep

NDT Inspector,consultant,Canada,Joined Sep

22:56 Apr-10-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 22:56 Apr-10-
In Reply to Akbar shaik at 05:56 Apr-10- .


Csaba gave you all the information to calculate your safe distance. What more do you want? Do we have to go do your job and put your barriers up, crank your source and process and read your film?

02:49 Apr-12-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 02:49 Apr-12-
In Reply to Michel Couture at 22:56 Apr-10- .

There is a shielding and distance calculator for gamma on the ATTAR website in the download section.


11:43 Apr-13-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 11:43 Apr-13-
In Reply to y rajasekhar reddy at 17:36 Aug-22- .

For Ir 192 gamma source the dose rate at 1 meter is 13mGy/hr/Ci
to calculate the safe distance for safety barriers 7.5microSv/hr
conversion factor from mGy to microGy
1 is the Q factor for Gamma Ray

D2 = root of (D1 square X 13mGy/hr/Ci X X 1X Ci used)/( 7.5 microSv/hr))

Engineering, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Joined Apr ,
United Arab Emirates (UAE),
Joined Apr

Engineering,United Arab Emirates (UAE),Joined Apr

07:15 Apr-17-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 07:15 Apr-17-
In Reply to Sami at 11:43 Apr-13- .

The guidance document ANSI Z54.1- will tell you to set (adjust) the distance (boundary) away from an x-ray source so that a member of the public (nonbadged person) will not get more that 2 millirem (mrem) in an hour, and not more than 100 mrem in a year. A mrem is a dose of radiation; and in SI units would be 0.02 milllisieverts (mSv) in an hour, and not more than 1 mSv in a year. Each person in the United States gets an average of 7 to 8 mSv every year from medical and natural radiation exposure. The safe separation (boundary) distance depends on (1) the intensity of the x ray or gamma radiation source, (2) how long the source must be used to get a proper image (how long the x-ray machine must be turned on, or how long a gamma radiation source must out of its camera [portable-shield]), and (3) any added shielding used to reduce the radiation dose rate around the source of x rays or gamma radiation. Regulations require that a qualified radiographer must use a radiation survey meter to measure the radiation dose rate around the item being x rayed and then sets up a boundary to keep people (members of the public) away from the area so the limits (given above) are not exceeded. You can purchase the document, ANSI Z54.1-, from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) at its website or from the IHS Standards Store.

Michel Couture
NDT Inspector,
Joined Sep

NDT Inspector,consultant,Canada,Joined Sep

11:35 Apr-17-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 11:35 Apr-17-
In Reply to Denver at 07:15 Apr-17- .


I guess it would be safer to set your barriers iaw the local laws. In some countries the members of the general public have lower limits than the one you have stated. In Canada for example, it is 1mR.

Shankar Arumugam
Other, NDE Engineer India, Joined Oct ,
Shankar Arumugam
Other, NDE Engineer
Joined Oct

Other, NDE EngineerIndia,Joined Oct

12:07 May-02-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 12:07 May-02-
In Reply to Michel Couture at 11:35 Apr-17- .

Safe working distance for Radiography calculation (panaromic radiation -360 deg)

Safe distance =Sqr. root [(Ci x RHM x W x T) / P]

Ci - Curie strength
RHM - Roentgen/Hour/Meter (for Ir192-0.48, Co60-1.3)
W - Work Load (No. of exposures per week x duration of exposure in minutes)
T - Occupancy factor (full ocupancy -1 ; partial ocupancy - 1/4 ; rare ocupancy - 1/16)
P- Permissible does (permissible dose for public in your country/week)

this formula will help to calculate safe working distance from radiation zone.

ndt technician
ndt technician
12:05 Jul-14-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 12:05 Jul-14-
In Reply to Zeki Cosku Gokce at 00:15 Jun-20- .

sir can you teach me how to use or calculate safedistance with collimator using inverse square law?? tnx sir for helping

09:01 Jul-22-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 09:01 Jul-22-
In Reply to Zeki Cosku Gokce at 00:15 Jun-20- .

What should be the safe distance maintained for a Radiography work by using

Ir-192 80 CURIE 25 HOURS

Csaba Hollo
Joined Feb

Retired,Canada,Joined Feb

18:15 Jul-22-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 18:15 Jul-22-
In Reply to Menon at 09:01 Jul-22- .

Honestly, guys.

The formulas have been given. If you can't do the calculations, you really shouldn't be in NDT.

Franie Louie Ferolino
Franie Louie Ferolino
06:52 Sep-12-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 06:52 Sep-12-
In Reply to Hannes at 01:41 Jul-15- .

hi there,

if any one can help me... i was calculating for the safe distance after the shielding or the material being radiograp but was not able to come up with the right answer. please help me....

i have a panoramic exposure for cylindrical tank with 36mm thickness, 8 meter inside diameter. Ir-192 : 90Ci activity. i would like to know how much activity after the 36mm material thickness (or Outside of tank).

thank you....

NDT Inspector, Shared Resources Manager (HT, Chemical Processing Collins Aerospace System, Indonesia, Joined Sep ,
NDT Inspector, Shared Resources Manager (HT, Chemical Processing
Collins Aerospace System,
Joined Sep

NDT Inspector, Shared Resources Manager (HT, Chemical ProcessingCollins Aerospace System,Indonesia,Joined Sep

17:18 Sep-17-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 17:18 Sep-17-
In Reply to Franie Louie Ferolino at 06:52 Sep-12- .

Dear All,
3 basic principle "Safety" in Radiography activity, are:
- Distance--> Far away is better
- Time, and--> Faster is better
- Shielding-->Thicker is better

@Franie Louie Ferolino
The Formula been delivered by Hannes

@Csaba Hello
I agreed with you

13:17 Dec-18-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 13:17 Dec-18-
In Reply to Hannes at 01:41 Jul-15- .

hello dear
kindly if you have any text regarding the exposure distance and the techniques used in radiographics such DWDI.SWSI,DWSI etc..
i need to know the procedure for set the radiation source which either x-ray or camera and its proper distance from pipes.
thanks in advanced

04:51 Nov-09-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 04:51 Nov-09-
In Reply to John D at 05:22 Jun-20- (Opening).

If radiography is going on about 8 meters per side then what is the total length of barricaded area required

07:39 Nov-09-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 07:39 Nov-09-
In Reply to ADNAN at 04:51 Nov-09- .

try this for approximate values


06:30 Nov-30-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 06:30 Nov-30-
In Reply to Hannes at 01:41 Jul-15- .

M primi with 16wks of pregnancy.My working placement is about 5-6 ft away from X-ray room.Is it harmful for fetus??M little bit tense.Please let me know..


S V Swamy
Engineering, - Material Testing Inspection & Quality Control Retired from Nuclear Fuel Complex , India, Joined Feb ,
787 3
S V Swamy
Engineering, - Material Testing Inspection & Quality Control
Retired from Nuclear Fuel Complex ,
Joined Feb
787 3

Engineering, - Material Testing Inspection & Quality ControlRetired from Nuclear Fuel Complex ,India,Joined Feb

09:16 Nov-30-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 09:16 Nov-30-
In Reply to Sumaiya at 06:30 Nov-30- .

It may safe if enough shielding is provided in the X-ray room. It is always good to get the dosage checked with a dosimeter. Another factor would be the amount of time that you spend in that area. If possible, spend less time there and more time at another place far from any radiation source.

If you are working with radiation, you should be provided with a personal badge that would be periodically monitored.

Best wishes to you and the baby inside.

Hyderabad, India

Anto jeyson
Anto jeyson
15:08 Apr-04-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 15:08 Apr-04-
In Reply to Babu Ram Sharma at 19:50 Jan-04- .

Can you explain the garden of distance for X-ray machine,
160kv 0.5 mA

Zscherpel, Uwe
BAM Berlin,
Joined Jan
124 127

Director,BAM Berlin,Germany,Joined Jan

16:34 Apr-10-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 16:34 Apr-10-
In Reply to Anto jeyson at 15:08 Apr-04- .

Dear John D.,
just a hint: real radiographers do not calculate, because there are too many incalculable influences. So they just went to the site and move the source to the active position. Than they measure the dose rate and a typical value for the controlled area is set by 40 micro Gray/h at least in Europe.
Best regards
Uwe Z.

Anto jeyson
Joined Apr

India,Joined Apr

16:44 Apr-12-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 16:44 Apr-12-
In Reply to Zscherpel, Uwe at 16:34 Apr-10- .

Anyone please explain me that
We didn't get sharpe image in computerised radiography (phorspher plate) while using X-ray tube.
Image is very sharpe while using iridium 192.
So what is the issues?
Why couldn't get good image using by X-ray
Please answer me if knows anyone.

James Scalf
NDT Inspector, Global Integrity, Canada, Joined Oct ,
James Scalf
NDT Inspector,
Global Integrity,
Joined Oct

NDT Inspector,Global Integrity,Canada,Joined Oct

20:06 Apr-12-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 20:06 Apr-12-
In Reply to Anto jeyson at 16:44 Apr-12- .


There are a number of things that could have occurred. Without knowing what your set up was and what you were shooting as well as the basic parameters of your X-Ray unit (such as kV, mA, time of your exposure, Distance of X-Ray source to part, distance X-Ray source to imaging plate, distance of part to imaging plate, Focal spot size of your X-Ray source and if any screens or filters were used and what shielding you used behind the imaging plate) it is hard to simply state one specific reason why you had such a difference. Simply switching from one excitation source to another in Computed Radiography is not as simple as it is in conventional film as the phosphor imaging plates are more sensitive to a variety of external things.

Please provide more information so we can make a better determination of what may or may not have gone wrong. Cheers...


Uwe Zscherpel
BAM Berlin,
Joined Jan
124 127

Director,BAM Berlin,Germany,Joined Jan

00:22 Apr-13-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 00:22 Apr-13-
In Reply to James Scalf at 20:06 Apr-12- .

Dear Anto,
If you are using Ir-192 its clear that you do not provide any details on X-ray voltage or currect, because you are using an isotopic source and its spectrum is fixed by the physics of gamma decay.
But nevertheless, details on the applied imaging plates,used cassettes and means for back scatter protection are missing in your questions. Please provide these details to be able to help you. Did you check ISO -2: to find hint on correct screen material and thickness as well as shielding requirements? These are different theh with film. Did you also joined a suitable training course for industrial CR to learn about dififernt approaches between film and digital?
A typical problem with CR is than you need to cover lead screens used for back scattershielding by a copper of steel screen near top the cassette, because the IP is very sensitive to the X-ray fluorescense leaving the surface of lead screens. This is different to film.
In general, the image unsharpness will increase with the energy for each radiation detector.
Best regards
Uwe Z.

Consultant, France, Joined Mar ,
Joined Mar

Consultant,France,Joined Mar

11:12 Mar-21-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 11:12 Mar-21-
In Reply to Denver at 07:15 Apr-17- .


You have written something of very important:
To consider the dose during 1 hour and not to calculate the dose by 1 hour.
Calculation of the distance shall take the operational conditions: number of shoot, direction, area of the shoot... At least the time of exposure and the number of shoot to be considered. Not easy or impossible to calculate precisely the dose in 1 hour.
Necessary to confirm by recording the dose during the working day at the safe separation distance.

azeez khalifa
azeez khalifa
12:12 Jun-28-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 12:12 Jun-28-
In Reply to Mathias at 00:45 Jun-20- .

dear sir
can you explain to me haw can i calculate the safe distance for 300 kV 5 mA I want exact formula i can masseur it by survey neater but my client ask for the actual formulas , i have for gamma ray but i cant fund any thing for the x ray

William A Jensen
IIA Nuclear Services, Inc.,
Joined May

Other,IIA Nuclear Services, Inc.,USA,Joined May

13:50 Jun-28-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 13:50 Jun-28-
In Reply to azeez khalifa at 12:12 Jun-28- .

The exposure rate from a point source of radiation is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. In other words, increasing the distance by a factor of 2 will decrease the exposure by a factor of 4. This concept can be summarized using the inverse square law.
I1D12 = I2D22
I = radiation dose rate
D = distance
Example: If the exposure rate is10 mR/hr at one foot from a radiation source,
what is the exposure rate at 2 feet?
I1D12 = I2D22
(10mR/hr) x (1 foot)2 = (?) x (2 feet)2
10 = 4x
x = 2.5 mR/hr

Additional explanations here:

P. M. Mahesh
Joined Nov

India,Joined Nov

13:16 Jul-02-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 13:16 Jul-02-
In Reply to William A Jensen at 13:50 Jun-28- .

Dear All - Concerned with Safe Working Distance for Industrial Radiography:

'Necessity is the mother of invention' - as they say.

M/s. SafeRad Ltd., based in the UK has invented, designed and manufactures 'SafeRad Radiography system' for industrial radiography testing and evaluation applications, where-in the safe working distance required is only 1.5 to 2 meters from the radiography source set-up, irrespective of the source strength. The technique is popularly known as 'Close Proximity Radiography' or 'Controlled Area For Radiography Testing'.

It is widely used in the oil & gas sector - refineries, petrochemical plants etc...and has proved its worth during plant shut-down and revamp operations, wherein you have many people working round the clock and to evacuate them during radiography would be counter productive and very expensive to the construction companies.

'SafeRad Radiography system' overcomes all the problems and dis-advantages associated with radiation safety and provides high quality radiographs using both the conventional film medium and /or digital medium, without any disruption to the on-going construction schedules in the near vicinity of the radiography location.

If interested, you may contact me on my id pmmahesh11@gmail for more information on 'SafeRad Radiography system'

Thank you

Sergio Aragón
Sergio Aragón
18:02 Jan-18-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 18:02 Jan-18-
In Reply to Shankar Arumugam at 12:07 May-02- .

Dear friend, could you tell me what's the occupancy factor or what is it regarding to? I'd appreciate your help since I used your formula to calculate the safe distance and I think I got it, but not sure of this factor, thanks in advance and have a great weekend

, Saudi K-KEM Engineering service co, Saudi Arabia, Joined May ,
Saudi K-KEM Engineering service co,
Saudi Arabia,
Joined May

Saudi K-KEM Engineering service co,Saudi Arabia,Joined May

07:44 Jan-19-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 07:44 Jan-19-
In Reply to John D at 05:22 Jun-20- (Opening).

Barication = root over { ( Ci X 0.48 X X 0.054)/ 0.75 mr/hr}

jaimin patel
NDT Inspector, NDT LeveL-III @ UIC, KSA Saudi Arabia, Joined Dec ,
jaimin patel
NDT Inspector, NDT LeveL-III @ UIC, KSA
Saudi Arabia,
Joined Dec

NDT Inspector, NDT LeveL-III @ UIC, KSASaudi Arabia,Joined Dec

13:40 Feb-04-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 13:40 Feb-04-
In Reply to John D at 05:22 Jun-20- (Opening).

Root square of [ RHM x Source Strength(in curie) x/Max. Permisible limit(in micro Sievert).

jilin varghese
jilin varghese
20:38 Apr-27-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 20:38 Apr-27-
In Reply to Hannes at 01:41 Jul-15- .

1. Can u plz give me a detail info on radiography safe working distance ?
2. Wats the safe calculation on a survey meter and dosimter ?
I thnk its .25 mr . Is thz corrct ?

jean staton
jean staton
17:27 Jun-19-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 17:27 Jun-19-
In Reply to Mathias at 00:45 Jun-20- .

Here in the states we are still using terminology like curies; mR/hr ETC.

Ricardo Andreucci
FATEC - Technological University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, Joined May ,
Ricardo Andreucci
FATEC - Technological University of Sao Paulo,
Joined May

FATEC - Technological University of Sao Paulo,Brazil,Joined May

17:01 Jun-24-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 17:01 Jun-24-
In Reply to Denver at 07:15 Apr-17- .

Hi Mr. John D.
I agree with Mr. Denver.
The workers will be protected if they follow the recommendations and dose rate limits of international radiation protection standards. Thus, the most practical method is to measure the dose rate before working for each radiographic examination exposure in order to determine the radiation level, and to determine the best way to protect them. Keep in mind that time, distance and physical barrier are the only form of protection. In general you have to avoid to use physical barrier becouse it is not practical.

19:31 Jun-27-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 19:31 Jun-27-
In Reply to Shankar Arumugam at 12:07 May-02- .

My question is.....
What is curi of gamma radiaton converted to X-radiation 20 mR?

Manoj kr yadav
Manoj kr yadav
13:25 Jan-20-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 13:25 Jan-20-
In Reply to Babu Ram Sharma at 19:50 Jan-04- .

Sir ,
Tell me how to calculate distance of Radiography test?Formula!

P Garland
Consultant, P J Garland & Associates, South Africa, Joined Jun ,
P Garland
P J Garland & Associates,
South Africa,
Joined Jun

Consultant,P J Garland & Associates,South Africa,Joined Jun

08:55 Jan-27-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 08:55 Jan-27-
In Reply to John D at 05:22 Jun-20- (Opening).


Salamat Ansari
Salamat Ansari
06:32 Feb-28-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 06:32 Feb-28-
In Reply to rajasekhar reddy at 17:41 Aug-22- .

1 mtr

Pratap Kumar rout
Pratap Kumar rout
20:16 Sep-26-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 20:16 Sep-26-
In Reply to rajasekhar reddy at 17:41 Aug-22- .

Sir 10 Curie how much mtr baricted in our plant

Laurence Beasley
Director, NDT and GPR Engineer, ISO L3 MT PT RT UT, L2 ET, RSO, ASME L2 Senior Plant Inspector Inspections X-Ray & Testing Pty Ltd, Australia, Joined Feb ,
Laurence Beasley
Director, NDT and GPR Engineer, ISO L3 MT PT RT UT, L2 ET, RSO, ASME L2 Senior Plant Inspector
Inspections X-Ray & Testing Pty Ltd,
Joined Feb

Director, NDT and GPR Engineer, ISO L3 MT PT RT UT, L2 ET, RSO, ASME L2 Senior Plant InspectorInspections X-Ray & Testing Pty Ltd,Australia,Joined Feb

22:48 Sep-26-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 22:48 Sep-26-
In Reply to Pratap Kumar rout at 20:16 Sep-26- .

Ir-192, 10 Ci in air, 25 uSv/hr, 38 metre

For each 1/2 inch of steel the dose will reduce by half at 38 metres.

Due to inverse square spread of radiation, that doesn&#;t mean you can get half as close, your new distance for 25 uSv/hr will be about 33 metres.

For most radiography you need to use a tungsten collimator.
A 40 mm diameter tungsten collimator will give you about 4.3 HVL which in the maximum shielded direction will reduce the distance to about 7 main air with no other shielding.

Errol Dick Minnie
Errol Dick Minnie
15:34 Nov-08-
Re: Safe Working Distance for Radiography 15:34 Nov-08-
In Reply to Mathias at 00:45 Jun-20- .

Hi Mathius, if you are still on this platform may you please advise how to determine/ calculate the intensity at 1m for X-ray units?