What Should You Consider Before Buying an LED Display?

27 May.,2024


What Should You Consider Before Buying an LED Display?

LED Screens are the latest technology products which are adapted into our daily lives not so long ago. Today, technology is a rapidly growing phenomenon, and it brings about lots of innovations in many areas of life. Transportation, communication, healthcare, media are just few examples that we can think of. We see screens at our homes, workplaces and now, even in the streets of our cities. LED panels, which are the products of this growing technology, are gradually becoming a popular means of displaying. If you consider buying LED screen and curious about what you should take into consideration before purchasing, then it means you are at the right place.

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LED screen panel is used for a variety of purposes such as displaying advertisements, sports games, concerts, etc. LED display is a flat panel display technology. Both outdoor LED wall and indoor LED screen are widely selected products by customers according to their needs. Usually picked for commercial purposes, LED screen panels have become an effective and modern ways of displaying in recent years.

The Fresh Way of Displaying

LED screen is an eco-friendly means of displaying. Sustainability and eco-consciousness are important phenomena in our days. As the latest means of displaying, LED screen panels brings about both to our lives. If you compare them with the old ways used in screen technologies, then you will see how many changes that it brings to the displaying sector. Being environmentally friendly, showing high quality bright images, easy installation process, long-wearing, and light in weight, efficiently saving electricity are just a few examples of benefits that buying LED screens bring along. If you plan to place your LED screen outdoors, then consider buying outdoor waterproof LED screen.

We talked about what are LED screen and their advantages. If you are here to learn what to consider before buying one, continue reading and we will be informing you about critical points before purchase.

Points to be Considered While Choosing a LED Screen

There are some criteria that customers need to take into consideration before looking for LED screens for sale. By having these points in your mind before purchasing LED screens, you can have the desired product at the end and save your money. Let&#;s detail these points together:

  • First of all, you should know what you are looking for and what features you planned the product to have. The size of the LED screen, if you are searching for a small LED display screen or a bigger one, brightness of the screen, panel resolution, expected LED lifetime are some the examples.
  • Secondly, search for a company which expertise in manufacturing and selling high quality LED screens. Working with a professional and experienced company is key in any purchasing process. You can get the guidance from professional workers of the company and at the end, have the preferred product with all features that you want it to have.
  • Warranty is also so important. Your product should have a guarantee period if you encounter some problems in the future. We recommend you know the exact dates for your product&#;s guarantee period for not having problems in the long term of use.
  • The company you chose to work with should have a TSE Service Competence Certificate. It means the product you are going to purchase meets all the necessary requirements.
  • Another certificate is CE Certificate. Your product should have this specific certificate to inform you about it is not risky to use for human health.

Echran as LED Screen Manufacturers

Working diligently in LED screen manufacturing industry with years of experience, Echran produces high quality LED screens. Our mission is to manufacture the best quality products for our customers using latest technologies. We started our journey as LED screen producers in and continuing our job ever since then.

We offer different types of LED screens for various purposes. You can find products such as indoor LED screen or LED display screen for advertising outdoor by visiting our website. Our products are of high quality, and we give the best price offerings to our beloved customers.

Price of LED Screens

We stated what points to take into consideration before buying LED screens above, and one of important points for customers is the LED screen price as well. Whether it is an outdoor LED screen or indoor LED screen, we recommend you contact with your company of choice to get the price offers. There are some points to consider before calculating the exact price of your purchase. If you have further questions and want to be informed about best LED screens in the sector, you can contact us by filling out the form below. Our expert team will respond you as soon as possible.

Breaking down the true cost of an outdoor LED sign

LED displays are no longer out of reach for most businesses. The cost of LED business signage is declining, and several factors are driving the prices down, including rapidly evolving product lines, fluctuating market conditions and increased efficiency in the tech and manufacturing sectors.

&#;When you look back at the last several years, 100,000 became 70,000, and 70,000 became 40,000,&#; says Ben Sewell, a sales manager in Samsung&#;s Display Division. &#;I&#;d estimate LED display prices have dropped by 50 percent in the last four or five years.&#;

This is good news for buyers looking to invest in an LED display. If you&#;re considering an LED display, here are the factors will contribute to the cost &#; and what you need to know about pricing.

A closer look at LED display costs

&#;&#;Who&#;s responsible for electrical?&#; I get that question every time,&#; says Sewell. When it comes to LED display projects, many buyers don&#;t understand all of the costs the project demands beyond the display itself. And there are many &#; starting with construction.

&#;Construction is actually the biggest variable,&#; says Sewell. &#;You&#;ve got installation, labor, materials, equipment, steel, electrical, data, permitting and so on. If you&#;re looking at a million-dollar project, it&#;s not uncommon that $500,000 would be the tech and the other half would be the install piece.&#;

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Everything you need to know about choosing your LED displays for optimal viewing indoors and out. Download Now

As many contractors will tell you, buyers often get swept up in the front-end visuals and don&#;t look closely enough at the back-end costs. A consequential factor many buyers aren&#;t aware of is display weight. It can have a tremendous impact on the final price of an LED project.

&#;We try to stick to around 10 pounds per square foot in terms of weight of display,&#; says Sewell. &#;If you&#;re on a 1,000-square-foot display, the difference between 10 pounds and 14 pounds is tremendous &#; it&#;s a huge component cost. You&#;re investing a huge percentage of your budget into the back end. We try to stay on the lighter side, so we have less of those costs.&#;

Everybody who purchases an LED display for their business knows they&#;ll need content. But often they don&#;t consider how significantly it will affect the overall cost of the control system. &#;The content management system [CMS] could easily be 20 to 25 percent of the project,&#; says Sewell. &#;Think of it as the brains behind the content. For example, you might spend $150,000 to $250,000 to cover your control room &#; and the content. Think of that as the brains.&#;

Obviously, maintenance is a cost &#; but not as significant a cost as you might expect. &#;In many cases, maintenance is not a major part of the expense,&#; says Sewell. &#;Here and there, you may need to change filters, let&#;s say. But typically you&#;re changing out components that are often under warranty.&#;

But even warranty is something that bears close examination. &#;Lots of our competitors just generically talk about their warranty,&#; says Sewell. &#;They might say they offer a seven-year warranty. But then later, you find out it&#;s just for parts. So, every time the owner needs to switch out a module, they have to pay for the lift, the contractor and so on.&#;

Samsung&#;s standard warranty is three years&#; parts for indoor LED and two years&#; parts for outdoor LED, with flexibility to add additional years of parts and labor. We designed it this way to tailor our proposed solution to each project and balance the customer&#;s budget and goals.

How to price out an LED project

So how does an LED display project get priced? After an initial discussion on configuration &#; how tall, how wide and so forth &#; copious attention is placed on the scope of work and exactly what that entails.

&#;The best thing to do is to have really clear scopes of work, and a clear delineation of work,&#; says Swell. &#;That saves everybody money.&#;

The gaps are where things get a little gray, he explains. When it&#;s unclear which vendor is handling which aspect of the project, it invites scope creep. Unscrupulous vendors will take advantage of that &#; &#;oh, we didn&#;t know you wanted to include all the electrical&#; &#; and by the time that arises, you&#;re too deep into the project to easily back out.

That&#;s why it&#;s best to know who is responsible for every aspect of the project, far beyond the display itself: electrical, data, steel, concrete, permitting and so on. To simplify this process, Samsung can take a turnkey approach, where everything is included &#; and we handle the demarcation of work within our network of proven suppliers.

&#;Our approach is direct, transparent and upfront about what we&#;re doing, why and how we&#;re doing it,&#; says Sewell. &#;We won&#;t be the lowest bid &#; but we&#;ll be the clearest bid.&#;

And when it comes to evaluating vendors, don&#;t rely on brand names or surface-level credentials. Dig into actual project examples. &#;Ask them to give you some drawings, to walk you through some previous projects they&#;ve worked on,&#; says Sewell. &#;You want to understand how they work &#; everybody is different. How we approach projects at Samsung is different from others, so you need to dig into those details.&#;

Taking the next step

Components, size, resolution, maintenance, content &#; much of the LED display pricing process is about manipulating these and all the other LED display factors until your project falls in line with your budget. &#;We pull and push those levers all the time,&#; says Sewell. &#;That&#;s at the heart of our sales approach &#; we try to be as consultative and interactive as possible, working with designers and architects to coordinate everything. The earlier on we can be there, the more pitfalls we can avoid.&#;

If you&#;re looking to invest in an LED display, now&#;s the time. In response to marketplace turbulence, many manufacturers are offering significant discounts and are open to negotiating on many variables influencing a project. &#;It&#;s a good time to want to buy an LED display,&#; says Sewell. &#;People are looking to be aggressive, and if you&#;ve got the cash to spend, now is the time to spend it &#; you can get a great deal.&#;

For more tips on configuring and tailoring on-screen messaging in real time, get your free comprehensive guide to using an integrated CMS. And for an array of innovative display options, discover Samsung&#;s full lineup of LED signage &#; which provide versatile solutions for diverse business needs.

For more led display companyinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.