Global & Rolling Shutters

13 May.,2024


Global & Rolling Shutters

A camera's shutter determines how and when light gets recorded during an exposure. In this article, we'll explore the various shutter mechanisms that have been implemented, ranging from early film to recent digital cameras.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website What Is a Global Shutter Camera.


With film, the shutter is simply a spinning disc between the rear of a lens and the film strip. It has an opening that lets in light once per revolution for each exposure. When the light is obstructed, the film advances to the next frame and the process repeats. For these reasons, this type of shutter is often referred to as a mechanical or rotary shutter.

Note: Actual rotary shutters are often more sophisticated than the wedge-shaped example shown above, but the underlying principle remains the same. Also, for the purposes of this article, the term "photosite" can be used interchangeably with "pixel," but strictly speaking, the two refer to different concepts.

With most digital cameras, the shutter is controlled by the sensor itself. Photosites are read row by row in rapid succession, then reset between exposures, then read again for the next exposure. This simplifies things by reducing the number of moving parts, and permits full shutter angle control since film no longer has to advance between frames.


Although both technologies record light for the necessary duration, not every portion of the image starts and stops receiving light at the same time. The process is commonly referred to as a "rolling shutter" since exposures typically move as a wave from one side of the image to the other. Both film and digital work this way. With a rotary shutter, this happens as each edge of the disc's opening sweeps across the sensor. With a sensor-based shutter, this happens as rows of photosites are initiated and terminated in rapid succession:

A rolling shutter typically goes unnoticed, and has been used to record virtually every film over the last century. In most cases, the initiation and termination phases happen so quickly that most of the time is spent with the frame either fully exposed or obstructed. However, with slower sensors, the initiation and termination phases may begin to occupy a greater fraction of each exposure, and can even happen simultaneously as a stripe that sweeps across the sensor:

In that case, fast-moving subjects can appear angled or sheared, and rapid camera movements are more likely to appear as a wobble. Effects are most pronounced with whip pans, fast subjects, high shutter speeds or run and gun type shots. Strobes can also partially illuminate the frame if they go off when the full sensor area isn't collecting light.

Despite its origins with film, the term rolling shutter is more commonly associated with digital, primarily because its effects vary more depending on the camera. Stills cameras with a video mode, compact cameras and digital camcorders all typically exhibit the strongest effect.


Some cameras utilize both a mechanical and a sensor-based shutter. The rotary shutter is typically placed on a standard digital sensor in order to compensate for a slower sensor read speed. Although this doesn't change anything about the underlying sensor, it can reduce the impact of a rolling shutter for certain shutter speeds.

It works by using the rotary shutter to obstruct light when the sensor would otherwise be initiating or completing each exposure. If the rotary shutter is faster than the sensor itself, then a greater fraction of each exposure is spent with all photosites collecting light simultaneously:

A hybrid shutter is often also referred to as a "global shutter," but strictly speaking, these are still standard rotary shutters that have been adapted for digital use. Rolling shutter artifacts are still possible especially at higher frame rates and shutter speeds since the shutter still sweeps across the sensor. Furthermore, this approach is only beneficial when all photosites are able to collect light simultaneously.

Adding a mechanical shutter to a digital sensor therefore isn't necessarily an improvement. These can also potentially add vibrations and noise, and are an additional moving part that can fail. A true global shutter therefore requires an entirely different technology . . .


A global shutter controls incoming light to all photosites simultaneously. At any given point in time, all photosites are therefore either equally closed or equally open. A global shutter can work either by abruptly exposing and then obstructing all photosites at once, in which case it can be thought of as a "hard shutter," or by doing this more gradually as a "soft shutter." Since they have no moving parts, global shutters are sometimes also referred to as "electronic shutters."

Hard Global ShutterSoft Global Shutter

Unless specified otherwise, the abrupt on/off of a hard global shutter is often what people are referring to when they speak of a global shutter. Soft global shutters are a more recent development that can also address temporal aliasing and other motion artifacts.

A global shutter is typically considered the most accurate representation of motion, and effectively addresses all of the potential rolling shutter artifacts. Since everything within each frame happens simultaneously, rapid events such as gunshots and explosions are depicted as we see them:

With Global ShutterWithout Global Shutter

Note: The cloud above is not smoke, but is actually a very high speed pressure wave created by the bullet breaking the sound barrier. This type of shot would have been impossible with a traditional rotary shutter. The example without rolling shutter artifacts actually uses a soft global shutter; more on those here.

Strobes also appear uniform and unbroken when using a global shutter, even when compared to cameras with fast rolling shutters:

However, despite these advantages, global shutters aren't always the best fit. Having a subtle rolling shutter effect can be important for making footage appear more film-like, for example. Some global shutter designs can also make sensor photosites less efficient, which can in turn compromise image noise.

A global shutter also isn't a substitute for proper technique or exposure settings. A common misconception is that a global shutter can fix flickering in artificial light, but neither shutter type fully addresses this problem. Two ways around this type of flickering are to use either continuous lighting, or a safe shutter speed and frame rate combination.


Modern shutter mechanisms are becoming increasingly diverse. They can be mechanical using a rotary shutter, sensor-based using the native read-out timing, or even a hybrid where both mechanisms are used. More recently, they can also be global using an electronic shutter that controls light uniformly. The key is being able to identify when each type is being used, and how these might influence the resulting imagery.

Ultimately, each shutter type is just a different way to record motion, similar to how different shutter angles have various applications. The optimal solution is having a shutter than can adapt to the various subject and style possibilities. For the vast majority of scenes, a fast rolling shutter is well-suited since this has been the standard for over a century. However, with select specialized applications, sometimes a global shutter can be helpful. In that case, the RED MOTION MOUNT is one possible solution.


  • Part 2 of this tutorial: Soft Global Shutters & Temporal Aliasing.
  • For a background on traditional ways to control motion, see Shutter Angles & Creative Control.
  • To minimize artifacts under artificial lighting, also see the tutorial on Flicker-Free Video.

What are Global Shutter and Rolling shutter Cameras ...

Are you wondering how to choose between Global shutter cameras and Rolling shutter cameras for your application? Then, read this article to better understand the differences between global shutter and rolling shutter and how to choose the one that perfectly fits your application.



Today’s industrial cameras and imaging systems have sensors that capture and record images for various processing and analysis purposes. These sensors use an electronic shutter to capture images. An electronic shutter is a device that controls the exposure of photon wells on the sensor. It also determines whether the pixels are exposed line by line or as a complete matrix. The two main types of electronic shutter are Rolling shutter and Global shutter. This article explores shutter mechanisms, the difference between the two shutters, and where to use them.

For better understanding of the details discussed in this article, the following terms need to be understood.

What is Global Shutter?

Global shutter mode in an image sensor allows all the sensor’s pixels to start exposing and stop exposing simultaneously for the programmed exposure period during every image acquisition. After the end of the exposure time, pixel data readout begins and proceeds row by row until all pixel data has been read. This mechanism in global shutter cameras produces non-distorted images without wobble or skewing. Global shutter sensors are typically used to capture high-speed moving objects.

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To give a perspective,a 640 x 480 resolution image is taken. When it’s exposed to global shutter, all the 307200 (640 x 480) sensor pixels are exposed simultaneously for the programmed exposure period.

Global shutter is capable of avoiding rolling shutter artifact alone, and not motion blur caused due to fast-moving object and exposure. Only at lower exposure levels, global shutter helps to capture sharp images of moving objects without any motion blur. But with rolling shutter, regardless of low exposure values, images produced will remain skewed owing to rolling shutter artifact.

What is Rolling shutter?

Unlike global shutter cameras, the rolling shutter mode in a camera exposes the pixel rows one after the other, with a temporal offset from one row to the next. At first, the top row of the image starts collecting the light and finishes it. Then the next row starts collecting light. This causes delay in the ending and starting time of light collection for consecutive rows. The total light collection time for each row is exactly the same.

To give a perspective, in a rolling shutter for a 640 x 480 resolution image, the topmost of 480 pixel rows is exposed first followed by the consecutive rows.

Rolling Shutter Effect

The difference in imaging between rolling shutter sensor and global shutter sensor is predominantly reflected in dynamic image acquisition. When fast-moving objects are captured by a rolling shutter sensor, the rolling shutter Effect occurs. In rolling shutter, all pixels of the array in the image sensor are not exposed simultaneously and each row of sensor pixels is scanned sequentially. Due to this, if an object moves faster than the exposure time and readout time of the image sensor, the image gets distorted owing to rolling light exposure. This is called rolling shutter effect.

Rolling shutter effect when capturing rotating objects:

While capturing high-speed rotating objects in rolling shutter mode, distortion and shutter artifacts occur easily as shown in the image below.

In the above comparison, the image taken in global shutter mode captures the shape of the fan blade perfectly, while it is deformed in rolling shutter mode.

Rolling shutter effect when capturing Linear Moving Objects

In rolling shutter mode, distortion and shutter artifacts occur when capturing high-speed moving objects as shown in the image below.

In the above comparision, the object moving in linear direction from left to right captured at Global shutter mode restore the shape of the object perfectly. The image captured at rolling shutter mode creates rolling shutter effects in the form of horizontal blur.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Global shutter and Rolling shutter

Shutter Mode
Disadvantage Global Shutter Well suited for capturing fast-moving objects Higher ambient noise, sensor cost is high Rolling Shutter Lower ambient noise, sensor cost is low Image distortion can occur for every fast-moving object captured.

Where we need a global shutter camera and rolling shutter camera?

A global shutter camera is mainly used for capturing high-speed moving objects without artifacts and motion blur. Global shutter cameras are used in applications such as ball tracking, industrial automation, warehouse robots, drones, live cell imaging, etc.

Rolling shutter sensors offer excellent sensitivity for imaging and can be used for cost effective applications. It is predominantly used for capturing slow-moving objects such as agriculture tractors, slow speed conveyors, and standalone applications like kiosks, barcode scanners, etc.

Global shutter cameras and rolling shutter cameras from e-con Systems

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