Lithium mines for batteries and their development ...

13 May.,2024


Lithium mines for batteries and their development ...


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Lithium mines for batteries are an important strategic resource, which have a wide range of application prospects in the fields of new energy and new materials.


With the increasing global demand for clean energy and sustainable development, the development and utilization of lithium mines for batteries has gradually become the focus of attention.

1. Types and causes of lithium mines for batteries

① Brine-type lithium battery mines

Brine-type lithium deposits are an important type of lithium deposits and the main source of lithium, mainly distributed in Bolivia, Chile and Argentina in South America, known as the "lithium triangle".

The main mechanism of its genesis is that in closed basins, especially in arid desert areas, lithium can be enriched in underground brine and form lithium deposits with mining value. The prospecting signs for economically valuable salt lake brine lithium deposits can be summarized as follows:

  • Necessary features

A closed basin with arid climatic conditions and tectonic activity.

  • Distinguishing features

Almost all lithium-bearing basins have experienced faulting activity and have thicker basin fill deposits. The subsidence caused by the fault creates a larger ore holding space and provides a channel for the upward movement of the underground heat flow of the ore-bearing ground. Thicker basin sediments provide a sufficient volume of aquifer to store large quantities of brine.

  • Favorable features

With heat flows from young volcanoes or hydrothermal springs, the source rock is lithium-rich felsic glass tuff, and hecmatillonite is often found in the mining area, as lithium in salt lake brine lithium deposits is mainly derived from surrounding magmatic hydrothermal fluids, volcanic ejections, and weathering of lithium-bearing rocks.

② Pegmatite-type lithium battery mines

This type of deposit is widely distributed, mainly produced in relatively stable geological structural units such as ancient crystalline shields and massifs, and the metallogenic age is mainly precambrian, and a few were formed in the early Paleozoic. Ore-bearing pegmatites can be divided into two categories: banded structural pegmatites and bandless structural pegmatites.

③ Seated lithium battery mines

Sedimentary lithium deposits in a broad sense generally refer to lithium deposits produced in sedimentary rocks that do not yet have independent industrial mining and have market competitive value, including deposits produced in bauxite, coal and kaolin deposits that can be used as associated minerals.

Generally, the content is not high, the occurrence state is not clear, or there are often no independent minerals but are deposited in the crystal lattice of clay minerals, which is difficult to develop and utilize economically.

However, due to its very large total resources, it has attracted great attention, especially for some bulk mineral mining companies with low economic benefits. Some have achieved technological breakthroughs and will surely lead the new development of the industry.

④ Clay-type lithium battery mines

Lithium-rich clays are mainly clays rich in hectolite, soapstone and soapstone. Huge amounts of lithium are known to be found in hectorite clay in the western United States.

2. Development and utilization technology of lithium mines for batteries

The development and utilization technology of lithium mine resources for batteries mainly includes mining, mineral processing, smelting and other links. The products like 12v 100ah lithium ion batteries and 12 volt 200ah lithium battery.

Among them, mining and beneficiation are important steps to obtain lithium mine resources, and smelting is a key link to convert lithium ion battery mines into actual products.

① Solid ores

  • Mining technology

There are two main mining methods for lithium mines for batteries: open pit mining and underground mining. Open pit mining is suitable for lithium orebodies with exposed surface, while underground mining is suitable for lithium orebodies buried at depth. In the mining process, effective measures need to be taken to prevent damage and pollution to the environment.

  • Beneficiation technology

Beneficiation is an important means to extract the available components of lithium mines for batteries. Commonly used beneficiation methods include manual separation, gravity separation, flotation, etc. Hand sorting is mainly used to pick lithium ores with significant differences.

Gravity separation takes advantage of the difference in density of different ores for separation. Flotation uses the physicochemical properties of the ore surface for separation. Depending on the type and nature of the ore, it is necessary to choose the appropriate beneficiation method.

  • Smelting technology

The smelting technology for lithium ore mainly includes pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy. Pyrometallurgy is mainly to reduce the oxides in lithium ore to metal elements through high-temperature roasting, while hydrometallurgy is to use chemical reagents.


Such as acid or alkali to convert valuable metals in ore into soluble compounds, and then obtain metal elements through precipitation, crystallization and other methods.

Therefore, hydrometallurgy has higher energy efficiency and better environmental performance. At present, hydrometallurgy has become the mainstream lithium ore smelting technology.

② Brine mines

  • Precipitation method

Precipitation is a common method for extracting lithium ions. This method is to add a precipitant to the brine of the salt lake to precipitate lithium ions in the form of precipitation, so as to achieve the separation of lithium ions.

The precipitation method has the advantages of simple operation and low cost, but also has the disadvantages of large amounts of precipitate and difficult precipitation washing. In actual production, the precipitation method is often used to treat salt lake brine with high concentration and low magnesium-lithium ratio.

  • Adsorption method

Adsorption is a method of adsorbing lithium ions from a solution onto a solid medium. This method has the advantages of simple operation and good separation effect, but also has the disadvantages of large amounts of adsorbent and difficult desorption. In actual production, the adsorption method is often used to treat salt lake brine with low concentration and high magnesium-lithium ratio.

  • Extraction

Extraction is a method of extracting lithium ions from a solution into an organic solvent. This method has the advantages of good separation effect and high purity of the product.

However, at the same time, there are also disadvantages, such as large amounts of organic solvent and complex extraction process. In actual production, the extraction method is often used to treat salt lake brine with high concentration and low magnesium-lithium ratio.

  • Rope fishing technology

Compared to traditional lithium extraction methods, this technology is skyrocketing in efficiency and cost, and may revolutionize the global lithium landscape in the future. At the heart of this technique is a porous fiber that is woven into a rope that is hydrophilic on the inside and hydrophobic on the surface.

When this rope is immersed in lithium-containing brine, crystals of sodium chloride and lithium chloride eventually form on the rope that can be conveniently collected. Importantly, in addition to concentrating the salts, this rope technology also enables the natural separation of lithium and sodium.

3. The current state of the lithium ion battery mines market

With the continuous improvement of global awareness of new energy and environmental protection, the market demand for lithium mines for batteries is growing.

At present, the increasing demand for lithium in electric vehicles, energy storage batteries and other fields has promoted the price of lithium mineral resources to continue to rise. At the same time, due to the relatively tight supply of lithium ore resources, the market price fluctuates greatly, which also increases the uncertainty of the market.

4. The future of lithium mines for batteries

  • Demand continues to grow

With the rapid development of electric vehicles, energy storage batteries and other fields, the demand for lithium mines for batteries will continue to grow. Especially in the field of new energy vehicles, with the promotion of policies and the development of technology, the popularity of electric vehicles will be further improved, and the demand for lithium will continue to increase.

  • Improvement of supply capacity

With the continuous progress of technology and the increase of investment, the development and utilization of lithium mines for batteries will be more efficient and economical, and the supply capacity will also be improved.

At the same time, with the development of circular economy and the advancement of recycling technology, the lithium resources in waste batteries will also be more fully recycled and utilized.

  • Increased price volatility

Due to the relatively tight supply of lithium for batteries, market price volatility is likely to increase in the future. At the same time, due to the influence of policy differences in different countries and regions, market supply and demand and other factors, the price trend of lithium resources will also be different.

  • Green development has become the theme

With the improvement of global environmental awareness and the requirements of sustainable development, the development and utilization of lithium mines for batteries will pay more attention to green development in the future. The company will strengthen environmental management and technological innovation to improve energy efficiency and environmental performance.

  • Intensified competition

With the continuous development and growth of the lithium battery market, the competitive landscape will also intensify, and the competition between companies will not only be competition between price and quality.

It also involves competition in terms of technology and environmental protection. Therefore, top 10 lithium battery companies in the world need to continuously improve their competitiveness to meet the challenges of market competition.

5. Conclusion

In the future, with the increasing global demand for clean energy and sustainable development, the market demand for lithium mines for batteries will continue to grow.

At the same time, with the continuous progress of technology and the reduction of costs, the development and utilization of lithium mines for batteries will be more efficient and economical. In addition, it will promote the sustainable development and application of lithium mineral resources.


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Different battery cell manufacturing comparison and power ...



As Kirin batteries, large cylindrical batteries, CTB batteries, sodium-ion batteries, semi-solid batteries and other products have been unveiled or put into application, power battery technology has shown a trend of contention among a hundred schools of thought.


The innovation of power battery technology is inseparable from material innovation and battery cell manufacturing technology innovation, so how is the power battery manufactured from the battery to the battery pack? This article will introduce the power lithium battery cell manufacturing process and the current innovation of power lithium battery technology in detail.

1. Battery cell manufacturing process

At present, power batteries are mainly lithium-ion batteries. According to different appearances, lithium-ion batteries can be divided into cylindrical cells, prismatic cells, and pouch cells.


Different battery cell manufacturing comparison

Prismatic cell

Pouch cell

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Cylindrical cell

Aluminum housing is strong, safe and has good cycle life

Aluminum-plastic film housing is prone to thermal runaway, but not prone to explosion

The production process technology is mature, the battery cells are packaged and grouped flexibly

Single cell has large capacity, fewer modules, and less risk in monitoring and management

It is easy to cause flatulence, and the battery cell is bulging and deformed. After a long time of use, the battery life will drop precipitously

There are many battery cell in the whole package, and the monitoring and management are difficult

Simple packaging and battery cell manufacturing process, high reliability

The pouch case is weak and needs to be protected at the module level


The consistency of the battery cell is average

Good cell consistency

Good cell consistency

Energy density is average

High energy density

Single energy density is high

The production process of lithium batteries is relatively complicated, and the main production process mainly covers the stirring and coating stage (front stage) of electrode production, the winding liquid injection stage (middle stage) of battery cell synthesis, and the packaging and testing stage (post stage) of chemical formation and packaging.

Lithium battery front stage production process

The lithium battery front stage production process is to prepare the lithium battery cathode and anode plates, including:


  • Stir and homogenize the cathode and anode
  • Coating and drying
  • Roll pressing
  • Cathode and anode cutting

Lithium battery middle stage production process

In the lithium battery manufacturing process, the middle process is mainly to complete the forming of the battery. At present, there are two main power lithium battery cell manufacturing processes: winding and lamination, and the corresponding battery structures are mainly cylindrical, prismatic, and pouch.

Cylindrical and prismatic batteries are mainly produced by winding battery cell manufacturing, while pouch batteries are mainly produced by laminated battery cell manufacturing. Since the winding battery cell manufacturing process can achieve high-speed production of cells through the speed, and the speed that the laminated battery cell manufacturing process can increase is limited, at present, many power lithium batteries companies such as top 10 lithium battery companies in the world mainly use the winding cell process.


The middle process of lithium battery includes:

  • Sheet production and die cutting
  • winding or lamination
  • Shell and lug welding
  • Liquid injection and injection port welding
  • Sealing
  • Packaging

Lithium battery post stage production process

The post-production process of lithium batteries mainly includes four processes: capacity separation, battery formation, testing, and packaging and storage.

Battery formation and capacity separation are the most important links in the back-end process, and the formed batteries are activated and tested. The main function of the formation process is to charge and activate the cells after liquid injection packaging. The capacity separation process is to test the battery capacity and other electrical performance parameters after the battery is activated and then classify it.


Formation and volume separation are performed by the formation machine and the volume separation machine, usually by an automated volume separation and formation system. The next thing to do is to screen capacity, internal resistance and voltage consistency, and conduct dozens of destructive tests such as impact and vibration puncture. Then carry out module and Pack packaging according to the needs of different car companies.

2. The development trend of battery cell manufacturing technology

① Cylindrical cell

In general, the development time of cylindrical cell is long and the technology is the most mature.

  • Advantages: mature technology, low cost, stable and durable, high energy density of monomer, good consistency of monomer
  • Disadvantages: small room for energy density increase, a large number of combinations require high BMS

Tesla took the lead in realizing the mass production of 4680 batteries, guiding the direction of the industry. Major battery manufacturers and auto brands pay more attention to the direction of large cylinders. It is expected that major battery manufacturers and some mainstream car companies will adopt 4680 battery solutions in 2024-2025.


Comparing the production process of 4680 and 21700, in terms of processing procedures, compared with 21700 battery, the 4680 battery has added the processes of tab die-cutting, flattening, laser welding collector plate, opening formation, and laser welding cover plate.

② Prismatic cell

Prismatic cell is a compromise solution at the moment, and square aluminum casings currently have an absolute advantage in the Chinese market.

  • Advantages: high strength, small internal resistance, long life, high space utilization
  • Disadvantages: difficult to unify the production process and difficult to dissipate heat

In March 2020, BYD launched the blade battery. It adopts a flat design for the prismatic battery cell manufacturing, reduces the thickness of the battery cell and increases the length, and adopts the CTP solution. Since then, major battery manufacturers have actively promoted the development of long and thin prismatic battery manufacturing. The flat and elongated battery cell manufacturing can increase the heat dissipation area between the cells and improve the safety of the lithium battery.

At the same time, it can be used as a structural part to realize CTP/CTC. The lithium battery cell manufacturing is developing in the direction of elongated cells. However, there are technical bottlenecks in the manufacturing and application of winding technology for flat and elongated battery cell manufacturing, which have poor internal structure stability and low space utilization. Naturally, elongated and elongated batteries are more suitable for lamination technology.


The main process difference between lamination and winding lies in the die-cutting process and the electrode forming process. In the die-cutting process, there are certain differences between the two battery cell manufacturing processes in terms of die-cutting methods, material shapes, tab spacing, and material punching. In the electrode assembly process, there are differences between the two battery cell manufacturing processes in terms of cutting judgment methods and the number of tabs.

Compared with winding batteries, the lamination process has greater advantages in energy density, internal structure stability, safety, and cycle life. In terms of disadvantages, the development time of the stacked battery cell manufacturing process is relatively short, the industry supporting maturity is not enough, there are shortcomings such as low equipment efficiency, high investment per GWh, and low yield rate of automated production.

Power battery companies are constantly breaking the constraints brought by the lamination battery cell manufacturing process, and continue to innovate and advance in improving production efficiency, yield, and product performance and quality.

③ Pouch cell

Pouch batteries belong to the most advanced echelon of technology, but the requirements for battery cell manufacturing are relatively high. When the current prismatic battery technology is gradually approaching the bottleneck period, the pouch battery with more mining potential and technical advantages will become a substitute.

  • Advantages: high energy density, light weight
  • Disadvantages: needs extra protection against battery damage and thermal runaway

The world's mainstream car companies have begun to increase the supply of pouch batteries, and many hot-selling models are also dominated by pouch batteries. In the industry's outlook on the future path of power batteries, solid-state batteries are the future direction of lithium batteries, and many battery manufacturers are actively investing in the research and development of solid-state and semi-solid batteries.


In the current market's technical cognition of solid-state batteries, there is a direction with high certainty, that is, pouch cells are the most suitable packaging method for solid-state batteries. Compared with the existing traditional lithium batteries, solid-state batteries have obvious advantages in three aspects: safety, performance, and cost. The pouch battery adopts the lamination battery cell manufacturing process.

Due to the weak flexibility of the oxide and sulfide electrolytes, the pouch battery using the lamination battery cell manufacturing process is the most suitable. Not only that, compared with cylindrical batteries and prismatic batteries, pouch batteries also have significant advantages in energy density. Due to the lack of flexibility due to the use of solid-state electrolytes, only stacked sheets can be used, so cylindrical packaging cannot be used, and the use of square packaging will weaken the energy density advantage of the battery.

Therefore, the industry believes that pouch packaging and solid-state batteries are the most suitable. Of course, there are always many uncertainties in the future. Whether the form of pouch batteries can usher in a leap in the era of solid-state batteries is still unclear. But for the battery manufacturers of the pouch battery production line, it also means that they are one step faster on the road to deploy semi-solid or solid-state batteries in advance.

Future industry development of power lithium battery

From the perspective of the medium-term development of lithium batteries, it is mainly through the iterative upgrade of the existing material system and structural innovation to promote the improvement of energy density and achieve efficiency and cost reduction:


Material iteration: Cathode and anode materials are the core factors that determine the energy density of power batteries, and the breakthrough of cathode materials is most likely to bring about a subversive improvement in the energy density of power batteries. In the short to medium term, cathode materials will still maintain the parallel pattern of lifepo4 battery and ternary battery, and technology iterations will be carried out on the basis of the current chemical system. High-nickel ternary still has adaptive value in the process of developing from semi-solid to all-solid, and has a broad prospect.

Structural innovation: Under the mature application of lithium battery material system, structural improvement and simplification are carried out in terms of battery cell manufacturing, modules, packaging methods, etc., to improve the system performance of the battery.

From the perspective of the long-term development of lithium batteries, it is a clear trend in the industry to continuously reduce the electrolyte content and develop towards solid-state batteries, but all-solid-state batteries still face relatively large technical challenges. From the point of view that the long-term development of lithium batteries will be restricted by the shortage of lithium resources, sodium-ion batteries have become an important alternative route, and will form a complementary pattern with lithium batteries after commercialization.


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