06 May.,2024




by By Kenneth A. Fowler, Gerry M. Elfbaum, Karen A. Smith and Thomas J. Nelligan *
This is a copy of an article for our new NDTnet '97 CD-ROM. The original paper is located on the Panametrics NDT Division Homepage
Besides this article you can find much more there, e.g., a comprehensive Database of Application Notes for various industries, from aerospace and automotive manufacturing, to metals and plastics, to power generation and weld inspection.
The paper was first published in 'Insight' - The Journal of the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing


    This paper summarizes some of the major aspects of precision ultrasonic thickness gauging. Ultrasonic nondestructive testing (NDT) characterizing material thickness, integrity, or other physical properties by means of high-frequency sound waves has become a widely used technique for quality control. In thickness gauging, ultrasonic techniques permit quick and reliable measurement of thickness without requiring access to both sides of a part.



    The methods of making ultrasonic measurements of thickness may be classified according to the type of transducer used to make the measurement, or they may be classified by the choice of echoes used to determine the ultrasonic pulse transit time through the test piece. If we classify the measurement method by transducer type, we find three basic classifications used in precision thickness gaging:

    1. Direct Contact transducers
    2. Delay Line transducers
    3. Immersion transducers

    If we classify the measurement techniques by the choice of echoes used in making the transit time measurement, we find that there are again three basic classifications or modes:

    Mode 1

      In Mode 1, measurement is made between an excitation pulse and the first backwall echo from the test piece, using direct contact-type transducers. It is a general purpose test mode and is normally recommended for use unless one of the conditions described under Modes 2 or 3 is present.

    Mode 2

      In Mode 2, measurement is made between an interface echo representing the near surface of the test piece and the first backwall echo, using delay line or immersion transducers. Mode 2 is most often used for measurements on sharp concave or convex radiuses or in confined spaces with delay line or immersion transducers, for on-line measurement of moving material with immersion transducers, and for high-temperature measurements with high-temperature delay line transducers.

    Mode 3

      In Mode 3, measurement is made between two successive backwall echoes, using delay line or immersion transducers. It may be employed only when clean multiple backwall echoes appear, which typically limits its use to materials of relatively low attenuation and high acoustic impedance such as fine-grained metals, glass, and ceramics. Mode 3 typically offers the highest measurement accuracy and the best minimum thickness resolution in a given application, at the expense of penetration, and it is used when accuracy and/or resolution requirements cannot be met in Mode 1 or 2.

    These classifications are summarized in Figure 2, which gives a schematic representation of the three modes of timing and the types of transducers that can be employed for each.

    Note: An additional common type of transducer is the dual element, or "dual", which is normally used for corrosion survey applications rather than the precision gaging work that is the focus of this paper. As their name implies, dual element transducers use a pair of separate piezoelectric elements, one for transmitting and one for receiving, bonded to separate delay lines. Thickness measurement is made in a modified Mode 1 method, reading to the first backwall echo and subtracting a zero offset equal to the transit time through the delays. Dual element transducers are typically rugged and able to withstand exposure to high temperatures, and are highly sensitive to detection of pitting or other localized thinning conditions. However, they are generally not recommended for precision gaging applications because of the possibility of zero drifting and timing errors due to V-path correction. For further information on the use of dual element transducers, contact Panametrics * .


    Ultrasonic thickness measurements utilizing direct contact transducers in Mode 1 are generally the simplest to implement and can be used in the majority of applications. For most materials the contact method of measurement provides the highest coupling efficiency of ultrasound from the transducer into the test piece. Mode 1 contact measurements can generally be used when minimum material thickness does not fall below approximately 0.12mm (0.005 inches) of plastic or 0.25mm (0.010 inches) of metal, precision required is not better than 12.5 microns (0.0005 inch), test material is at or close to room temperature, and geometry permits contact coupling. Mode 2 and Mode 3 measurements with delay line and immersion transducers are, as noted above, generally recommended when application requirements preclude use of Mode.

    Figure 2 Precision Ultrasonic Gaging Techniques Classified by the Echoes Used to Make the Time Interval Measurement MODE WAVEFORM APPLICABLE TRANSDUCER TYPES APPLICABLE RANGE OF THICKNESS MEASUREMENT (STEEL)* APPROXIMATE ACCURACY LIMITS 1 DIRECT CONTACT 0.3mm to 2.5M

    0.012 in. to 100 in.


    ±.001 in.

    2 DELAY LINE, IMMERSION 0.5mm to 10cm

    0.02 in. to 4 in


    ±.0001 in.

    3 DELAY LINE, IMMERSION 0.1mm to 4 cm

    0.004 in. to 1.5 in


    ±.0001 in.



    A wide variety of couplant materials may be used in ultrasonic gaging. We have found that propylene glycol is suitable for most applications. In difficult applications where maximum transfer of sound energy is required, glycerin is recommended. However, on some metals glycerin can promote corrosion by means of water absorption and thus may be undesirable. Other suitable couplants for measurements at normal temperatures may include water, various oils and greases, gels, and silicone fluids.

    In some applications involving smooth surfaces, it is possible to substitute in place of liquid couplant a thin compliant membrane (such as a thin piece of polyurethane) between the face of the transducer or delay line and the test piece. This approach will often require changes to gage setup parameters and usually requires that the transducer be pressed firmly to the surface of the test piece.

    As noted below, measurements at elevated temperatures will require specially formulated high temperature couplants.


    Measurements at elevated temperatures (higher than approximately 50 degrees Celsius or 125 degrees Fahrenheit) represent a special category. First, it is important to note that standard direct contact transducers will be damaged or destroyed by exposure to temperatures higher than this limit. This is due to the varying thermal expansion coefficients of the materials used to construct them, which will cause disbonding at elevated temperatures. Direct contact transducers should never be used on a surface that is too hot to comfortably touch with bare fingers. Thus, high temperature measurements should always be done in Mode 2 or Mode 3 with either a delay line transducer (with an appropriate high temperature delay line) or an immersion transducer. Sound velocity in all materials changes with temperature, normally increasing as the material gets colder and decreasing as it gets hotter, with abrupt changes near the freezing or melting points. This effect is much greater in plastics and rubber than it is in metals or ceramics. Velocity changes are related to changes in elastic modulus and density, and depending on the material and temperature range the relationship can be significantly non-linear. For maximum accuracy, the gage sound velocity setting should be calibrated at the same temperature where measurements will be made. Measurement of hot materials with a gage set to room temperature sound velocity will often lead to significant error. Finally, at temperatures greater than approximately 100 degrees C or 200 degrees F, special high temperature couplants are recommended. A variety of them are available from commercial sources.


    Continuous on-line ultrasonic thickness gaging can be performed on most engineering materials, providing a constant process monitor, and is particularly appropriate for extruded plastics and metal sheets and pipes. It is usually done by coupling the sound energy into the test piece through a water column generated by a bubbler or squirter, or in a water bath. Measurement is normally performed in Mode 2 or 3, although in a few special cases sliding direct contact transducers working in Mode 1 have been employed. For accurate on-line ultrasonic measurement, material temperature must be stable to avoid errors due to velocity variations. Surfaces must be smooth enough to insure consistent coupling, and some type of fixturing is always required to maintain precise alignment between the transducer(s) and test piece.


    Certain specialized applications such as underwater testing require a long cable between the transducer and ultrasonic gage. While much of this work involves corrosion gaging and is therefore outside the scope of this paper, some precision gaging applications require long cables as well. The length of cable that produces a significant effect on performance is application specific, depending on transducer frequency as well as accuracy and minimum measurement range requirements. At 20 MHz, cable reflections will begin to affect waveform shape at lengths beyond about 1 meter or 3 feet. At lower frequencies, somewhat longer cables can be used without any special considerations. However, performance with long cables should always be experimentally evaluated in light of specific application requirements, particularly when cable length exceeds approximately 3 meters/10 feet. In Mode 1 measurements, cable reflections can increase the length of the excitation pulse and limit minimum measurable thickness, and zero offset must be adjusted to compensate for the propagation time of electrical pulses through the cable. In Modes 2 and 3, cable reflections can cause distortion of interface and backwall echoes, and in extreme cases (cables on the order of 30 meters/100 feet or greater) they can even result in large spurious signals following desirable signals at an interval equal to the electrical transit time in the cable.


    Mode 1: Excitation Pulse To First Back Echo

    Ultrasonic thickness measurements utilizing direct contact transducers are generally the simplest to implement and can be used in a wide variety of applications. For most engineering materials, the contact method provides the highest efficiency in coupling ultrasound from the transducer to the test piece. It is advisable to utilize Mode 1 measurement with direct contact transducers whenever the requirements of the application permit.

    As indicated in Figure 3 the contact mode of measurement can generally be used whenever the minimum thickness does not fall below approximately 0.5mm/0.020" in metals or 0.125mm/0.005" in plastics, and accuracy requirements are not greater than 0.025mm or +/- 0.001". Also, as noted above, direct contact transducers should not be used if the test piece is hotter than approximately 50 degrees C or 125 degrees F. This is because of the likelihood of thermal damage to the transducer at higher temperatures.

    In this mode of measurement, the time interval between the excitation pulse and the first returned echo includes a small time increment representing pulse transit time through the transducer wearplate and the coupling fluid, as well as cable delay and any offset due to rise time or frequency content of the detected echo. In order to compensate for these factors, gages are provided with a zero offset function, which effectively subtracts from the total measured time interval a period equivalent to the sum of these various fixed delays. Zero offset normally must be adjusted whenever the transducer frequency is changed. This may be done with the aid of a reference standard of known thickness and sound velocity, or, if velocity is unknown, two standards of different known thicknesses which can be used to establish both velocity and zero.

    Selection of the appropriate direct contact transducer is based on a number of considerations including the acoustic properties of the test material and the thickness and geometry of the test piece. In general, the most reliable and repeatable results will be obtained with the highest frequency and smallest diameter transducer that will gave adequate performance over the thickness range to be measured. Small diameter transducers are more easily coupled to the test piece and permit the thinnest couplant layer at a given coupling pressure. Furthermore, higher frequency transducers produce signals with faster rise times, thereby enhancing measurement accuracy. On the other hand, the acoustic properties or surface condition of the test material may require that transducer frequency be lowered in order to overcome poor coupling and/or sound attenuation or scattering within the material.

    In making contact thickness measurements on curved surfaces, the active element size of the transducer should normally be reduced as the radius of curvature is reduced. Further, the amount of couplant between the transducer and the test surface should be minimized. Excessive couplant causes noise resulting from the reverberation of sound energy in the couplant fillet between the transducer and the curved surface.

    Mode 2: Interface Echo To First Backwall Echo

    Measurements between the first two echoes following the excitation pulse are categorized as Mode 2. Normally this involves measurement from an interface echo representing the boundary between a delay line or water path and the outside surface of the test piece, to a backwall echo representing the inside surface.

    There are several conditions that must be considered in making Mode 2 measurements, based on the fact that they require two valid echoes, interface and backwall. First, it is necessary to insure that an interface echo exists. There are certain cases involving immersion measurements of low impedance materials such as soft plastics and silicones where the acoustic impedance of the test material is very similar to that of water. A similar situation can occur when a delay line transducer is used on a material (typically a polymer) whose impedance nearly matches that of the delay line. In such cases the impedance match between the water or delay line and the test material may reduce the interface echo to such low amplitude that it cannot reliably be detected. With delay line transducers the difficulty can usually be remedied by switching to a different delay line material. When the problem occurs in immersion measurements, there may be no easy solution, since it is rarely possible to use liquids other than water as effective immersion couplants. (In the specialized case of an impedance match affecting hot extruded plastics, it is usually possible to move the transducer farther down the cooling line to a point where the plastic has cooled somewhat and its acoustic impedance has increased.)

    It is also necessary to monitor the phase or polarity of both interface and backwall echoes, and adjust instrument detection polarity and/or zero offset to compensate as necessary for inversions. The most common situation where this applies is in delay line measurements involving both plastic and metal test materials. A plastic delay line coupled to a metal test piece represents a low-to-high impedance boundary, while the same delay line coupled to many polymer materials can represent a high-to-low relationship of relative acoustic impedance. The interface echo polarity reverses between these two situations, and if the gage is not properly adjusted a measurement error will result. This can happen when a gage with a delay line transducer is set up on metal reference blocks and then used to measure plastics. Interface and backwall echo phase distortions can also occur in immersion setups involving radiused material, where complex interactions between beam shape and front and back surface curvature can significantly affect echo shape. In such applications it is essential to set up the instrument on reference standards representing the actual material shape to be measured, so that the effects of any phase distortion can be compensated with zero offset.

    Mode 3: Echo To Echo Following Interface

    The Mode 3 measurement technique as defined here involves the measurement of a time interval between successive back echoes following an interface echo. This mode is normally reserved for situations where the test material is relatively thin, and where the highest level of accuracy is required. Mode 3 measurement is best applied to engineering materials having an acoustic impedance greater than 1 x 10 6 g/cm 2 -sec (which includes most metals, ceramics, and glass). In materials of this type, successive reverberations are all of the same polarity, and the relative amplitude of successive echoes is determined by the transmission coefficient of the sound energy out of the material into either polystyrene or water. Since both of these materials are of relatively low acoustic impedance, the ratio of successive echo signal amplitudes is usually greater than 0.5, or -6dB. Table II shows the fractional energy loss between successive echoes that can be expected for water and for polystyrene delays. If materials of widely different acoustic impedance are to be tested in this manner, compensation for the variation in successive echo signal amplitudes must be provided in order to obtain the maximum accuracy for this mode. (This is done by means of a zero offset.) However it can be seen from Table II that errors do not become too great until the acoustic impedance drops below 3 x 10 6.

    For many industrial applications, use of a delay line transducer will be more convenient than immersion in Mode 3 measurements. Delay line transducers can be used to make measurements over a range from approximately 0.075mm/0.003" up to 12.5mm/0.5", depending on frequency and delay line length. As with direct contact transducer measurements, the diameter or active element size of the delay line should be reduced as the radius of curvature is reduced. For radiuses smaller than approximately 3mm/0.125", immersion transducers will provide better coupling and are preferred.

    If accurate thickness measurements are required on machined surfaces having a surface finish of approximately 3 microns RMS, Mode 3 measurements utilizing a delay line transducer will give more repeatable readings than a Mode 1 direct contact transducer. This is due to the fact that successive echo reverberations tend to subtract out the variable thickness of the couplant layer that adds to the time interval measured using a direct contact transducer. The same general principle applies to painted surfaces, where multiple echoes will represent reverberations in the metal or other high-impedance material, not the paint. However, there are limitations on what sort of surfaces will permit Mode 3 measurement, and in the case of severe roughness or corrosion this technique will not be applicable. At least two clean backwall echoes are required for a Mode 3 measurement, and as conditions get worse the signal losses due to roughness will eventually obliterate the second echo.

    Figure 3a
    Summary of Thickness Measurement Applications Where Direct Contact Transducer Measurement (Mode 1) is Recommended Figure 3b
    Summary of Thickness Measurement Applications Where Mode 3 Measurements Utilizing Delay Line or Immersion Type Transducers Are Recommended Figure 3 includes an attempt to summarize the major applications where Mode 1 measurements with direct contact transducers are recommended or preferred. The thickness range, accuracy, and transducer recommendations are intended only as a guide and should not be considered firm. Because of possible variations in material acoustic properties and the effects of geometry, the exact range and accuracy in a given application should always be verified with the aid of reference standards of the material in question. In some cases measurement will be possible over greater ranges and to greater accuracies than indicated in the table, and in other cases less. And although transducer recommendations are shown, it will often be possible to use two or more different transducers with essentially equivalent results over a specified range.

      Examples of Mode 3 Waveforms

      When using immersion transducers for Mode 3 measurements, it is always necessary to monitor echoes with an oscilloscope during initial setup. Often spurious or unwanted signals will appear and, unless electronically blanked, make accurate measurements impossible. Two possible situations are illustrated in Figure 4.

      Figure 4a shows a thickness measurement utilizing a focused transducer properly set up with the correct water path. The advantage of focused as opposed to unfocused immersion transducers of the same frequency and size is that they often tolerate more beam angularization or misalignment, as well as improve coupling into radiused test pieces.

      In Figure 4b the time interval measurement is being erroneously made between the first and second cycle of the first backwall echo. This condition can exist whenever echoes are ambiguously shaped, which can be due both to misalignment and improper focusing.

      Figure 4c illustrates and erroneous time measurement between the first backwall echo and a mode converted shear echo which can result when a focused immersion transducer is used and the water path between the transducer and the surface of the test piece is too long. In order to obtain clean multiple echoes for thickness measurement, a focused immersion transducer should be operated considerably short of the focal length. If it is operated at or near the focal length, intermediate shear mode echoes will usually occur. (Note that this is a problem only in Mode 3 measurements; in Mode 2 nothing following the first backwall echo is of interest.) Similar effects can occur in some cases where sharply radiused targets cause refraction and/or mode conversion of beam components arriving at other than normal incidence. In general, it is often advisable to experiment with different combinations of focus and water path to determine what produces the cleanest multiple echoes in an given measurement application.

      Figure 4a: Proper Measurment

      Figure 4b: Error - Measurement of Successive Lobes of Single Echo

      Figure 4c: Error - Measurement of Mode Converted Shear Wave Echo


    This paper has summarized some of the major aspects of precision ultrasonic thickness gaging. For further information on any of the points discussed, or recommendations for specific equipment, contact Panametrics.

Appendix I

    Energy and Corresponding Echo-Signal Amplitude Loss Per Pulse Reverberation in Class 3 Measurement Technique

Appendix II



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For more information see: Focus on Thickness Measurement in UTonline 10/97

| UTonline | © Copyright 1. Oct 1997 Rolf Diederichs,

What is an Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge?

An ultrasonic thickness gauge is a device used to measure a material’s thickness or the distance between two surfaces. It is widely used in various industries, including manufacturing, maintenance, and quality control, to accurately determine the thickness of metal, plastic, glass, ceramics, and other materials.

The gauge operates on the principle of pulse-echo measurement, using high-frequency sound waves to penetrate the material being tested. The time it takes for the sound wave to return to the gauge after reflecting off the back surface is measured and used to calculate the thickness of the material.

One of the main advantages of using an ultrasonic thickness gauge is that it provides accurate and precise measurements, making it ideal for quality control and other critical applications. Additionally, the gauge is non-destructive, meaning that it does not damage the material being tested and can be used on a wide range of materials.

The compact and lightweight design of the ultrasonic thickness gauge makes it highly portable, allowing it to be used in various locations and settings. This versatility, with its accuracy and non-destructiveness, makes the ultrasonic thickness gauge an essential tool for multiple industries.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Ut Thickness Gauge.