Variable Message Sign-Application and Benefits

07 Oct.,2024


Variable Message Sign-Application and Benefits

What Is a Safety VMS?

Have you ever seen such signs on highways? Large LED screens display various traffic instructions and warnings like &#;Slow down&#;, &#;Stop&#;, &#;Speed limit 60&#;, and more. Electronic LED tools like these used to display information about special events are called variable message signs.

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VMS is a type of electronic equipment used to convey critical messages and information, which typically consists of a large LED screen that displays graphics, text, and symbols mounted on a portable trailer, pole, or vehicle, allowing it to be easily deployed and moved to different locations as needed.

The VMS has been deployed on New Jersey toll roads since at least the s. Back then, variable message signs included static signs with illuminated text (often using neon tubes) indicating the type of event occurring, or signs using rotating prisms (tri-prisms) to change the displayed information. Since the late s, the latest LED display screen technology has been applied to VMS. This article primarily focuses on electronic VMS.

Types of VMS

There are three main types of VMS that are suitable for different situations and scenarios.

Fixed VMS: Fixed VMS, also known as permanent VMS, is typically installed on telegraph poles or gantries on highways, roads, or urban areas to provide continuous traffic updates and control.

Vehicle-Mounted VMS: Vehicle-mounted variable message signs are installed on vehicles like trucks or vans, which are portable and can be effortlessly transported to various locations as required.

VMS Trailer: VMS trailers are portable signs mounted on trailers that can be towed by vehicles. They serve a variety of purposes and can be swiftly deployed in various locations.

Based on the characteristics and usage scenarios, variable message signs manufactured by OPTRAFFIC are divided into the following six types.

Portable Traffic Message Signs

Mobile Commercial VMS

VMS Truck Signs

TMA Traffic Signs

EU Variable Message Signs

LED Traffic Display

Color and Pattern of VMS

LED screens are often able to display information in a variety of colors and modes. The color, pattern & text are customizable based on user preferences.

Color: VMS can use different colors to convey diverse meanings or urgency levels. Variable message signs of OPTRAFFIC are manufactured in three color variants: monochrome, multicolor, and full-color.

Pattern: Bright and clear patterns and text can attract attention or emphasize urgent information. In OPTRAFFIC&#;s WEB system, there are 200+ preset patterns and texts available, and users can also customize as needed.

Overall, the colors and patterns of VMS are carefully selected to ensure clear communication of information to drivers, while maximizing visibility and effectiveness, especially in adverse weather.

Solar Power and Battery of VMS

VMS primarily utilizes solar energy as its primary power source. Equipped with solar panels on its top, the VMS captures sunlight and transforms it into electricity, which is stored in batteries for uninterrupted operation, even during low light conditions like nighttime or cloudy days.

Solar power allows VMS to operate uninterruptedly, reducing reliance on traditional power sources and minimizing environmental impact. There are many benefits of this sustainable energy, including low cost, high effectiveness, low carbon emissions, and high installation adaptability.

Years of experience and customer feedback have proven that OPTRAFFIC solar power VMS can operate continuously in high latitude and low light areas without the need for charging, relying on solar-converted electricity.

How Do Variable Message Signs Work?

Variable message signs are strategically placed in different locations, such as highways, urban areas, and construction sites. After positioning, the operator selects suitable patterns on the controller and inputs relevant information such as traffic advice, road conditions, or safety instructions. Then, the data is transmitted to VMS, processed there, and finally displayed on the LED screen. The real-time information on VMS provides drivers and pedestrians with timely updates and guidance for traffic and flow management. Real-time monitoring and adjustment can ensure the effectiveness of VMS in optimizing traffic management and enhancing road safety.

VMS Boards Used for Multiple Industries

VMS is widely used in various industries due to its effectiveness in conveying important messages and information. Here are the industries that use VMS.

Traffic safety: In order to improve road safety and reduce traffic accidents, VMS boards are extensively used to display crucial road information like traffic congestion, lane closures, and others to drivers and pedestrians.

Public safety: VMS boards can display emergency alerts, evacuation instructions, and other important information in natural disasters, terrorist attacks, or other emergency situations to maintain order.

Emergency service: The fire department and rescue team are also buyers of VMS boards, as they can convey safety instructions to the public in the event of a fire or other incident.

Law enforcement: Law enforcement agencies, such as traffic police, use VMS boards to display traffic laws, checkpoints, and other related information to prevent illegal behavior and promote public compliance with regulations.

Transportation and logistics: VMS boards help transportation and logistics companies manage traffic flow, guide trucks to loading terminals, and display real-time transportation schedules.

Construction: Construction sites often use VMS boards to remind drivers of road closures, detours, and construction areas to improve the safety of workers and drivers.

Municipal services: The municipal authorities use VMS boards to inform residents of community activities, road maintenance plans, utility work, and other municipal services to increase public participation and awareness.

Health department: Health departments can deploy VMS boards to communicate public health advisories, vaccination clinics, disease outbreaks, and other health-related information.

Competition & activities: VMS boards are used for sports events, festivals, concerts, and other events, providing attendees with activity schedules, parking instructions, and safety reminders.

Business: Enterprises can use VMS boards for advertising, promotions, store guidance, and other marketing purposes to attract customers and increase brand visibility.

In short, VMS boards play an important role in various industries.

What Are the Benefits of VMS?

The widespread use of VMS in various industries is due to its outstanding functions and advantages. Below are 6 major benefits of VMS.

Improve Safety

Protecting pedestrians and drivers: VMS helps drivers make informed decisions and drive safely by providing real-time information about road conditions, hazards, and other traffic events. In addition, VMS can also display safety information to pedestrians, reminding them to walk on pedestrian crossings, pay attention to oncoming vehicles, or remain vigilant in busy areas.

Protecting law enforcement officers: VMS assists manage traffic flow, control speed, and enforce traffic regulations without requiring police to stand on the road, thereby reducing the relationship between law enforcement officers and potential hazards and protecting their lives.

Improve Efficiency

The VMS minimizes delays and improves overall road safety by providing real-time information, promoting communication with drivers, and optimizing traffic flow, greatly improving work efficiency and traffic management efficiency.

Cost Saving

Reduce labor costs: VMS can automatically perform tasks, such as directing traffic or updating information. A person can manage multiple devices simultaneously and solve multiple situations through OPTRAFFIC&#;s WEB system. VMS significantly reduces labor costs related to traffic management.

Lower infrastructure costs: Compared to traditional static signs, portable VMS requires less infrastructure investment. It can be easily installed and moved to different locations as needed, eliminating the need for expensive permanent installation.

Solar energy and low energy consumption: VMS are generally equipped with solar panels to reduce reliance on traditional power sources. In addition, VMS adopts energy-saving LED technology to minimize energy costs.


VMS was designed with portability and flexibility in mind, vehicle-mounted VMS and VMS trailer can be easily transported and deployed in different locations.

Portable VMS is typically used for temporary activities or emergencies, such as road construction, accident sites, or building areas, as it can be easily towed to a location, quickly installed, and adjusted as needed for quick response. Portable VMS can also be deployed in remote areas where permanent infrastructure may be impractical.

Actual usage data proves that VMS manufactured by OPTRAFFIC can be deployed by a single person within five minutes.

Remote Control

The remote control function allows users to manage VMS from any location, typically through a software interface or mobile application

Users can access the OPTRAFFIC WEB system by computers, tablets, or smartphones connected to the Internet, or handheld controllers, and set text, symbols, and patterns to display on the LED screen, without having to arrive at the VMS location. Real-time updates of information help users timely release important information, such as traffic warnings, road closures, emergency notices, and event announcements. In addition, users can remotely monitor VMS, and view its location, performance, and status, including power, connectivity, and display functions.

The VMS remote control function provides users with convenient and efficient management.


VMS is customizable and offers a range of options that can be customized according to specific needs. OPTRAFFIC provides the following customization options, if you have other needs, please feel free to contact us.

Size & color: The size of the LED screen and the color of the trailer can be changed according to user needs

Solar Kit: Additional solar panels are available

Tilting System: The tilted frame structure of solar panels for better collection of solar energy

Speed Radar: High-precision speed detection system

Onsite Tablet: Handheld controller with WEB system for more convenient control of equipment

Mast Lock: Mechanical safety device

Want more information on vms led display? Feel free to contact us.

What Do VMS Boards Stand for?

ISO- certified factory

ATSSA Association endorsement

NTCIP compliant

CE certified

IP65 compliant


What Are the Other Names of VMS?

Variable Message Sign (VMS) is also known as:

Dynamic Message Sign

Changeable Message Sign

Variable Message Display

Electronic Message Board

Digital Message Sign

Portable Changeable Message Sign

Traffic Message Board

Roadside Message Board

Traffic Information Board

Traffic Management Display

How Much Does a VMS Cost?

There are two main options for acquiring VMS:

Although the initial investment may be high, in the long run, especially for organizations that require frequent use of this equipment, purchasing VMS directly may be more cost-effective. OPTRAFFIC offers electronic equipment at prices that are typically 30% lower than those found in the U.S. market.

For organizations or institutions that do not require frequent use of VMS, leasing can be a viable option.

For over a decade, OPTRAFFIC has been committed to providing electronic devices to various industries, including traffic, public safety, law enforcement, equipment rental, construction, and municipal services. As a trusted global leading electronic device manufacturer, OPTRAFFIC will continue to focus on innovation and quality. Thank you for your attention and support!

Benefits and Types of Variable Message Signs


Variable Message Signs (VMS) are commonly used on roads, highways, freeways, motorways, tunnel entrances, and in rural areas throughout Australia. VMS are extremely beneficial for increasing road safety performance because they can directly signal to a motorist on the road, many types of information quickly and effectively. 
It&#;s more than likely that you would have driven past at least one of these electronic traffic signs or seen one as a passenger on your travels &#; can you recall the last time you saw one? 

Perhaps you were stuck in a traffic jam on the way home from work, getting frustrated as to why there was more traffic than normal. You ask yourself, what&#;s going on up ahead?  All of a sudden, you can see an electronic traffic sign explaining that there has been a traffic incident up ahead, along with an expected timeframe for the additional delay in travel time.  
Providing this type of information to motorists via a Variable Message Sign benefits the motorist by relaying information on why there is a delay using a few short phrases or words. This is just one familiar situation to all of us that might help you to begin to see the benefits of using one or more VMS in different road scenarios.
Let&#;s look at some additional benefits of having a Variable Message Sign for improved road safety. They increase road safety by communicating important traffic information directly to motorists. Below we have compiled a list of the 3 key benefits of using these important road safety tools.  


3 Key Benefits of using a Variable Message Sign  

  1. Reduces traffic congestion 

Traffic congestion is an ongoing transportation problem that motorists and road authorities encounter daily. The level of traffic congestion can rapidly increase with travel growth, roadway expansions, and developing infrastructure projects. These 3 main factors among many others can interrupt the desired capacity of motorists that can travel on roads, causing a significant amount of congestion. Although this work is paramount to growing communities this can be disrupting to motorist usual travel times, increasing driver frustration.  
As a result, the congestion can cause further delays, uncertainty in travel time and increase accident rates. So, how can we use a Variable Message Sign to help reduce congestion? 
When deploying a VMS, it&#;s worth considering the unexpected situations, like traffic incidents and emergencies, that occur daily on the road and cause congestion. Having a VMS in these situations can provide advanced warnings directly to road users to help them stay informed and make an alternate choice, wherever possible. 
In addition, setting up a VMS prior to planned road works beginning can provide notifications to motorists of future events, that may impact their journey. Providing this information well in advance can help a driver determine an alternative route, or even allow for more time to get to their destination thus reducing traffic congestion.


  1. Help to prevent road accidents 

In Australia, according to the National Road Safety Strategy the number of lives lost due to road related incidents are, on average, each year. Changing road conditions can provide an unexpected situation for motorists, particularly those that are used to travelling the same route each day on a familiar road. Using a Variable Message Sign to display advanced warnings to motorists, can help to prepare themselves for a change and could mean the difference between someone returning home safely or an unfortunate accident. 
When placed correctly Variable Message Signs can really help reduce the likelihood of crashes. More specifically rear-ended crashes. These accidents occur when traffic comes to a sudden, unexpected stop. Below are 2 examples where VMS can be used to help prevent accidents. 

Example A &#; Lane Closure Advanced Warning 

A VMS can be set up to provide advanced warning of an upcoming lane closure. The VMS informs the driver of a changing traffic condition they are about to enter. Alerting drivers of an upcoming lane closure prior to the actual closure, ensures the driver can make a decision and take the necessary action ahead of time.
Without VMS communication the driver could be left in shock by the road closure, which could result in last minute braking or worse, a collision. 

Example B &#; Speed Limit Changes 

Speed limit changes and alterations need to be communicated to all motorists. A Variable Message Sign can be used to provide a range of different speed limit change messages, including the display of an actual speed limit sign, as seen in the image below. This provides information to the motorist advising alterations on speed limit or the reason for a speed limit reduction. 


  1. Numerous Communication Options 

Both Permanent and Portable Variable Message Signs can display a range of messages, across one or more screens. This allows ability to communicate quickly and effectively with motorists.
In addition to displaying multiple messages, VMS can operate in conjunction with a range of accessories to provide further detailed traffic information, including:

  • Real-time traffic information relating to road incidents

  • Live estimated travel times

  • Detect and advise speed limits  

Having additional information for communication to motorists and the ability to delve deeper into data that can be analysed for many purposes. If you are interested in learning more about detailed traffic information, head over to our VMS product page to view the range of accessories that can enhance the capabilities of Mobile Variable Message Signs. 


Fixed vs. Portable Variable Message Signs

There are two main types of VMS, Permanent and Portable VMS. Both types of VMS come in a range of sizes for different applications. Fixed and Mobile Variable Message Signs have many similarities including dynamic messaging, remote programming, numerous communication options, and bright multi colour displays.  
However, the use and application of each type are different. As the name suggests Permanent VMS are often mounted on highway bridges and tunnel entrances in a place that they will remain long term. 
Alternatively, Mobile Variable Message Signs are trailer mounted for easy mobility. They can be easily moved from one location to another, for both short- or long-term usage. 


Permanent/ Fixed Variable Message Signs 

Permanent or Fixed VMS can be found in many different sizes, depending on the application, primarily in a large rectangle shape. They are designed to effectively deliver traffic information to motorists. Such as information reporting traffic congestion, temperature, lane controls, speed limits, and changes in usual traffic conditions. 
Occasionally known as Variable Message Signs Tunnel, as they are often equipped to tunnel entrances to display travel time and tunnel lane closures.
Permanent VMS are often used on highways, roadways and tunnel entrances. 


Mobile/Portable Variable Message Signs

Mobile Variable Message Signs have become a staple part in traffic management and community awareness projects, as they have been shown to effectively disperse traffic away from work sites, potential bottlenecks or known problem areas. Mobile VMS can be used for several different reasons including traffic management, roadworks, advertising, and events.
For traffic management application portable VMS can be used to advise road/lane closures, communicate with a motorist and local traffic of any changes usual traffic conditions, providing directional information, displaying safety information, accident management and speed related messages. 

The below images are slides from a portable variable message sign advising a road closure ahead. 



For Both Fixed and Mobile Variable Message Signs to successfully communicate with motorists, messages must be easy to read and comprehend. At RPM Hire our team of traffic management equipment hire specialists can assist with portable Variable Message Sign hire and effective messaging. Call us 479 570 or send an enquiry via our contact form.

For more led speed limit signinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.