What is a Frequency Counter used for?

06 May.,2024


What is a Frequency Counter used for?

Frequency Counter / Frequency Display What it does Displays the current frequency Where to set it N/A Frequency counters show you where you are at. Changes with your channel.

Why does my radio have a Frequency Counter?

Here's something you should start with: Channels do not exist. TV channels, radio channels, memory channels, even CB channels. A channel is nothing more than a simplified way to refer to a frequency. Your radio has a Frequency Counter on it to show you where you are actually operating, however, unless you have a radio with single sideband (USB/LSB) modes, and/or is anything other than a CB, then you do not need the Frequency Counter. Let me reiterate that. Most people do NOT need to see what frequency they are operating on, any more than you need to know what frequency your TV's channel 8 is. However, there are reasons you should care about your radio's frequency. Keep reading to see why.

For more information, please visit Application Of Frequency Counter.

Make sure your radio is operating correctly

Let's say your CB is on channel 19, but everyone sounds distorted or muffled, almost like they're on a different channel altogether. How would you know if it's your radio, or theirs? Well if everyone sounds this way, then it's probably that your radio is off frequency. Your radio may have a built-in Frequency Counter, or if your radio has a frequency counter jack on the back you can use the FC-347 Frequency Counter, with either of these options you now have a tool to tell if something is amiss on your end. As long as your Frequency Counter says 27.185 and your channel says 19, then there's a good chance you're on the correct frequency. Now other problems can arise that cause these numbers to show one thing, and be something else, but for now if we assume your Frequency Counter is working correctly, then it's much easier to know that your frequency and channel are in alignment, where they should be.

Frequencies and channels.

Remember, we're dealing with radio waves, and what determines a radio station from a CB transmission from airplane pilots talking to the tower is the frequency they are operating on. Throughout the radio spectrum there are a wide range of frequencies allocated for very specific uses and applications, like TV and the aforementioned airplane pilots. You aren't allowed to transmit on just any frequency as there are rules in place to prevent the chaos that would cause. When talking about CB radios, the FCC has provided 40 channels (frequencies) that you have access to. You don't need a license (since around 1980) to operate a CB radio either, it's one of the few places the public is allowed to send and receive (almost) whatever they want.

For Single Sideband Operation

The most common use of a Frequency Counter on CB radios is when you are operating on either USB or LSB modes. When you're on single sideband, you may need to fine tune the frequency your radio is receiving, or transmitting on. You may need to adjust your frequency to make other people clear, as their radio may be slighty off frequency, turning your clarifier control will not only change the frequency you're on, but your frequency display will change as well. Again, this is used for fine-tuning only. If your radio is off frequency, adjust your clarifier until it's correct again. Refer to the following frequency chart for which frequency you should be on.

1 26.965 21 27.215 2 26.975 22 27.225 3 26.985 23 27.255 4 27.005 24 27.235 5 27.015 25 27.245 6 27.025 26 27.265 7 27.035 27 27.275 8 27.055 28 27.285 9 27.065 29 27.295 10 27.075 30 27.305 11 27.085 31 27.315 12 27.105 32 27.325 13 27.115 33 27.335 14 27.125 34 27.345 15 27.135 35 27.355 16 27.155 36 27.365 17 27.165 37 27.375 18 27.175 38 27.385 19 27.185 39 27.395 20 27.205 40 27.405

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What are the applications of frequency counter

Apr. 07, 2017

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The frequency counter can accurately measure the frequency, the time interval, the phase and the event count, etc..

Frequency counter function is designed according to its application. The most common application of a frequency counter is to determine the characteristics of the transmitter and receiver.

Other applications of the frequency counter include the computer field, which uses a high-performance clock in data communications, microprocessors, and displays. Performance requirements are not high in the areas of application including the measurement of mechanical and electrical products. One of the early applications of the frequency counter is as part of the signal generator.

We can also supply the spectrum analyzer etc. If you want to know more welcome to contact us.

Contact us to discuss your requirements of digital frequency generator. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.