Metal Film Resistor : Construction, Working & Its Applications

13 May.,2024


Metal Film Resistor : Construction, Working & Its Applications

Metal film resistor is the most common type of resistor used in electronics. They have been widely used since their development in the 1960s, and are very popular for their consistency and accuracy. This is a type of resistor that has a metal oxide film deposited on the surface of a ceramic core. This is different from carbon film resistors, which have a layer of carbon instead of metal.

Metal Film Resistor : Construction, Working & Its Applications

Metal film resistor is the most common type of resistor used in electronics. They have been widely used since their development in the 1960s, and are very popular for their consistency and accuracy. This is a type of resistor that has a metal oxide film deposited on the surface of a ceramic core. This is different from carbon film resistors, which have a layer of carbon instead of metal.

Metal film resistors have better performance than carbon or wire wound resistors. They are also more dependable and reliable than other types of electronics parts. For these reasons, metal film resistor is often used as replacements for other types of electronic components.

Metal Film Resistor Definition:

A metal film resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical component. It is designed to provide a specific resistance. The metal film resistor is constructed by depositing an insulating layer of oxide or nitride, which is then covered with a resistive metal film and terminated with a second insulating layer, usually oxide. These components are used in active filters, precision circuits, and timing applications.

The metal film resistor symbol is similar to a normal resistor which includes two connecting terminals like anode and cathode shown below.

Metal Film Resistor Construction

Metal Film Resistors are made of a metal film on an insulating substrate, similar to a thin-film resistor. The metal is deposited by evaporation onto the substrate. The metal film is typically 0.1 µm or thicker and has a much higher resistance than the substrate.

The resistors are formed by screen printing carbon paste onto the substrate in a shape that cross-sections the metal film, creating two parallel conductors with a uniform gap between them. The resistor body is coated with an epoxy coating for environmental protection and insulation.

Metal film resistors are manufactured using a photolithography process that creates high-accuracy and low-tolerance resistors. Photolithography is a photographic process that transfers images to semiconductor wafers during integrated circuit development. Metal film resistors have resistance values ranging from 0.1 ohms to 100 MΩ, with tolerances of ±0.1% or less at operating temperature ranges from -55°C to 155°C.


The working of a metal film resistor is similar to the normal resistor to restrict the flow of electric current through it. So, it functions as the resistive element for the flow of electric current. The ceramic substrate of this resistor does not let heat throughout it.


The specifications of the metal film resistor include the following.

  • The availability of typical tolerance is ±0.1%, ±0.25%, ±0.5%, ±1% & ±2%,
  • Resistance value ranges from >1Ω < 10MΩ
  • Max resistor temperature is175 °C
  • Load life (% change over 1000h) is 1
  • Voltage coefficient is 0.0 %/V
  • Max noise is 0.2 µV/V
  • Temperature coefficient ±50 to ±100 ppm/°C

Metal Film Resistor Tolerance

Metal Film Resistor tolerance is the highest level of deviation from the nominal value of a resistor. This tolerance represents an accuracy standard for resistors, and it determines how much the measured resistance will vary from the ideal resistance. The tighter the tolerance, the more accurate your measurement will be.

The tolerance of a metal film resistor is the amount the resistance of the resistor can vary from its nominal value. This is usually expressed as a percentage, and can be calculated using the formula:

(Measured Value – Nominal Value)/Nominal Value)×100

If you measure 10kΩ and it has a 5% tolerance, then you know that tolerance is 500Ω. The highest possible value would be 10.5kΩ and the lowest possible value would be 9.5kΩ.

Metal Film Resistor Power Rating

The maximum power a resistor can handle is known as the power rating for that resistor.

The power rating is determined by how much heat the resistor can take before it fails. Heat causes the resistance in the resistor to rise, which causes it to dissipate more power, which causes it to get hotter, and so on. If this process runs away, the resistor’s temperature rises quickly and it fails catastrophically.
The maximum power (Pm ) a Metal Film Resistor can handle is calculated by dividing the maximum working voltage (Um ) by the resistance value (R):

Pm = Um/R

Metal Film Resistor Size Calculation

The size of a metal film resistor can be calculated from its power rating.

After the power rating (power = voltage x current) and the maximum possible temperature rise are known, the resistor size can be calculated by adding the thermal resistance RTH of the resistor to the thermal resistance RθJA of the mounting surface.

Rth = (TJ – TA)/Pd

Here, Rth is thermal resistance

‘Tj’ is Junction temperature

‘TA’ is ambient temperature

‘Pd’ is power dissipation

Size limitation is given by:

RTHmax = (TJmax – TA)/Pd

Resistor size = Rthmax + RθJA

Metal Film Resistor Color Code

The color code for metal film resistors consists of three bands and a fourth band indicating tolerance.
The first two bands indicate the first two digits of the value.

The third band indicates the number of zeros following those first digits. For example, if the third band is red, there are two zeros following the first two digits. If it is gold, there are five zeros following those first two digits.

The fourth band indicates tolerance in percent. A brown or red band represents a 1% tolerance, while a gold or silver band represents a 10% tolerance.

If additional bands are present, they typically indicate temperature coefficient, but this varies based on the manufacturer and part number.

What is the difference between metal film and metal oxide resistors?

The difference between metal film and metal oxide resistor include the following.

Metal Film Resistor

Metal Oxide Resistor Metal films are the most common type of resistor. Metal oxide resistors are also popular and often used for high-power applications. Metal films typically have a smaller tolerance. Metal films typically have a higher tolerance but they handle higher power ratings. These are cylindrical axial resistors. These are axial & fixed value resistors. These resistors are applicable where a more precise value and high tolerance value are necessary within a circuit. These resistors are used for high endurance applications. The frequency response of these resistors is about 100 MHz. The frequency response of metal oxide resistors is about 100 MHz. These resistors have good characteristics for stability, TCR & tolerance. In addition, these resistors feature high linearity & low noise properties due to a low voltage coefficient. These resistors will exceed both the resistor’s performance like carbon film & metal film for different properties like voltage rating, power rating, surge capacity, high-temperature operation & overload capabilities. The maximum temperature of the metal film resistor operates up to 150°C & with platinum sensors, they work up to 600°C. The temperature coefficient of the metal oxide resistor is approximately 300 ppm/°C.


Metal Film Resistors have the following advantages:

High Precision: Film thickness is easy to control, the manufacturing process is mature, with stable performance.

Low Noise: The temperature coefficient of resistance is small, it is not easy to produce a microphonic effect.

High Stability: High purity ceramic core, film-coated on the surface, no oxygen in the air will not oxidize the surface of the resistor, it has good anti-vibration and anti-shock performance.

High Power Rating: Metal film resistors also have a high power-rating, which means they can be used in high-power applications. They tend to have a lower temperature coefficient than carbon film resistors, which makes them ideal for use in precision circuits where a low-temperature coefficient is essential.


The disadvantages of metal film resistors include the following.

  • Metal film resistors are more expensive than carbon composition and carbon film resistors because there’s a higher cost to precision.
  • Metal film resistors have a limited power rating of 3 watts or less. If you require more power, you’ll need to use a wire wound resistor instead.
  • They are sensitive to temperature changes, both within their environment and in the current they conduct.
  • They need to be regularly maintained, cleaned, and checked to make sure they work correctly.
  • The resistor will fail before it reaches its maximum power rating if there is a sudden surge in current or voltage.
  • The metal film will erode over time due to high temperatures caused by prolonged use at higher power levels than those specified on the resistor itself
  • Metal film resistors can only operate up until temperatures around 200°C (392°F).
  • They are not suitable for use in high-frequency circuits because their parasitic capacitance limits them from being able to handle frequencies above about 100 MHz (Megahertz).

Where are Metal Film Resistors Used/ Applications?

The applications of metal film resistors include the following.

  • Metal-film resistors are used in almost every circuit where resistance is required, including power supplies and other circuits.
  • They are also used to protect sensitive electronic components from dangerous voltages.
  • Metal-film resistors have been around for a long time, but only in recent years has their popularity begun to increase. The reason for this is because they are less expensive than other types of resistors and they are very reliable. This means that they can be used in a wide variety of applications including automotive electronics and computer circuitry.
  • Its resistance to currents makes it useful in a variety of situations, from industrial equipment to consumer electronics.
  • These resistors are used in different types of equipment in different fields like Industrial, military Automotive, Professional audio & video.
  • Industrial Applications: Metal film resistors are commonly used in industrial equipment. They help regulate the flow of current and prevent damage by overheating. Metal film resistors are also frequently employed in appliances, as they help to protect motors and other components of the machines.
  • Consumer Electronics Applications: Metal film resistors are used in a wide range of consumer electronics, including cell phones, laptops, and televisions. They help regulate the current flow in these devices and prevent them from overheating when they are used for extended periods at high power levels.

What is the Difference Between Metal Film Resistor and Other Types of Resistors?

Metal film resistors are more precise than carbon composition or wire-wound resistors, but they are not as precise as thin-film resistors. There is a wider tolerance range for metal film resistors than most other types of resistors, but the tolerance can be adjusted by adjusting the process used to make them.

What should I know before selecting a metal film resistor?

There are many factors to consider when choosing a metal film resistor. Here are some considerations:

  • How much power will the resistor dissipate?
  • Is there an issue with temperature rise?
  • How accurately does the value need to be?
  • Does it need to work at high frequencies?
  • Is moisture resistance required?

How Much Power Can I Use With a Metal Film Resistor?

The amount of power that can be used with a metal film resistor depends on the size of the resistor and its temperature rating. A smaller resistor will have a lower power rating than a larger resistor because it will have less surface area over which to dissipate heat. As temperatures rise, power ratings drop because it becomes harder for heat to dissipate through the air or other means.

Thus, if you’re looking for a way to add resistance to your circuit without spending a lot of money, metal-film resistors may be just what you’re looking for. They are very durable and dependable, which means that you can use them for years without having to replace them or fix them often. Even though metal film resistors aren’t cheap, they do make up for their cost by being able to stand up to harsh conditions and still perform well. Here is a question for you, what is a metal oxide resistor?

Types Of Resistors - Applications, Conclusion and FAQs

In your daily life, you use many electronic appliances. Maximum appliances used at home consist of an electric component known as a resistor. These resistors are mostly used in heaters, light bulbs, microwaves, electric stoves, toasters, and other heating appliances. In an electronic circuit, the flow of the current or limits of current is done by a resistor. To provide a particular voltage range for an active device, resistors are used as transistors.

Types of Resistors

Resistors are classified into two types. These types of resistors are further divided into subcategories. The types of resistors are as follows:

  • Linear Resistor

The current in the linear resistor will be directly proportional to the voltage applied to the resistor. The resultant graph of the linear resistor will be between the current (I) and voltage (V). The linear resistor graph will have a straight I-V curve.

Linear resistors are further divided into two types:

  • Fixed Resistors

Fixed resistors have specific values, and these specific values cannot be changed. These fixed resistors are used for the appliance which never needs to change their value.

  • Variable Resistors

Variable resistors have values that can be varied or changed, and these variable values can be changed using a dial, screw, button, or knob. These variable resistors are used for appliances like radios with knobs, lights with switches, and television.

  • Non-Linear Resistor

The current in the non-linear resistor will be indirectly proportional to the voltage applied to the resistor. Current In the resistor changes with the exchange in the temperature or voltage exchange. Values of non-linear resistors aren’t changed according to Ohm’s law. The resultant graph of the non-linear resistor will be between the current (I) and voltage (V). The non-linear resistor graph will have a non-linear I-V curve.

Non-linear resistors are further divided into three types:

  • Thermistors

Thermistors resistors are a kind of variable resistors. Thermistors identify the temperature change. These thermistor resistors have two terminals, and it is sensitive to temperature. The resistance value of the thermistor resistor is inversely proportional to the temperature.

  • Varistors

A non-linear varistor resistor is made of semiconductors. The current through the varistor depends non-linearly on the voltage applied across the resistor. The most commonly used form for the varistor resistor is MOV or metal oxide varistor.

  • Photo Resistors

Photo resistors are also called LDR (light-dependent resistors). The other names of the photo resistors are photoconductive cells and light-controlled variable resistors. The photoresistor’s resistance decreases with an increase in the intensity of the incident light. So, the photoresistor’s resistance is inversely proportional to the intensity of the incident light.

Types of Resistors Fixed and Variable:

The fixed and variable resistors are types of resistors called linear resistors. These fixed and variable resistors are further classified into sub-categories.

There are seven types of resistor, including the fixed resistor, which are as follows:

  • Wire Wound Resistor

A form of a passive component is called a wire-wound resistor. A wire wound resistor is created by wrapping metal wire around a metal core. The metal wire serves as the electric current’s resistive component. Thus, the metal wire restricts a specific level of electric current. As a non-conductive substance, the metal core is placed. As a result, it blocks the flow of electric current.

  • Foil Resistor

The most precise and reliable parts to employ to limit the flow of electric current to a specific level are foil resistors. Compared to other types of resistors, foil resistors generate little noise. The TCR (Temperature Coefficient of Resistance) of foil resistors is low.

  • Carbon Composition Resistor

A passive component that limits the flow of electric current to a set level is a resistor made of carbon called a carbon composition resistor. The cylindrical resistive element used to create the carbon composition resistors has integrated metal end caps. The ceramic and carbon powder combination is used to create the cylindrical resistive element of the carbon composition resistor. The carbon powder effectively conducts electric current.

  • Carbon Film Resistor

The carbon film resistor is the most common type of resistor used in electrical circuits. The carbon film is applied to a ceramic substrate to create the carbon film resistors. The ceramic substrate serves as an electrical current insulator, while the carbon sheet functions as a resistive element to the current.

  • Metal Film Resistor

A form of a passive component known as a metal film resistor uses metal film to limit the flow of electric current to a specific level. In contrast to metal film resistors, which use chromium, nickel, tin, and antimony to create their films, carbon is used to create the film in carbon film resistors. The TCR (temperature coefficient of resistance) of metal film resistors is low.

  • Metal Glaze Resistor

The metal glaze resistormetal glaze resistor is a passive component used to limit the flow of electric current to a certain level by combining glass powder with metal particles. Low TCR (temperature coefficient of resistance) for metal glaze resistors.

  • Metal Oxide Film Resistor

A form of a passive component known as a metal oxide film resistor uses metal oxide film as the resistive element to limit the flow of electric current to a specific level. Metal oxide film resistor construction is virtually identical to metal film resistors.

There are seven types of the resistor of variable resistor, which are as follows:

  • Potentiometer

Three terminals make up the potentiometer, two fixed and one movable. The track’s two resistive ends are linked to the potentiometer’s two fixed terminals, while the third terminal is connected to the slider or sliding wiper. The current flow in the potentiometer decreases when the resistance of the potentiometer is increased.

  • Humistor

Humistor name is the combination of humidity and resistor. Humidity affects humistors quite strongly. Resistive humidity sensors and humidity-sensitive resistors are other names for humidistats.

  • Rheostat

Rheostats are built in a manner that is virtually identical to potentiometers. However, we utilize two terminals of a rheostat to act. The length of the resistive element or track through which the electric current flows determines the rheostat’s resistance.

  • Thermistor

Resistance of Thermistors depends on the surrounding temperature change. Positive temperature coefficient (PTC) and negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistors are the two types of thermometers. While PTC thermistors experience an increase in resistance as the temperature rises, NTC thermistors experience a reduction in resistance as the temperature rises.

  • Magneto Resistor

The resistance of the magneto resistor varies when a magnetic field is supplied to the magneto resistor. Similarly, the magneto resistor’s resistance dropped as the magnetic field’s strength increased.

  • Photoresistor

The word photoresistor is the combination of the terms photon and resistor. The photoresistor experiences a change in resistance when light energy is applied. As the applied light intensity rises, the photo resistor’s resistance falls.

  • Force Sensitive Resistor

As the name indicates, the force-sensitive resistors are extremely sensitive to the applied force. Force sensors, pressure sensors, force-sensing resistors, or FSR are other names for force-sensitive resistors.

Things to Consider When Using Various Types of Resistors


Power dissipation and temperature coefficients are the two factors to be mindful of when using a type of resistor. 

Power Dissipation: Power dissipation is an important consideration when selecting a resistor. Always select a resistor with a lower power rating than the current being passed through it. So, choose a resistor with a power rating at least twice as high. 

Temperature Coefficients: The most important thing to remember when working with resistors is that they must be used at high temperatures or else the resistance will flow dramatically. The temperature coefficient of a resistor is classified as either negative or positive (PTC). 

Color Code of Resistors

The value of the resistor isn’t displayed outside. Through the color pattern, the resistance of the resistor can be calculated. The (PTH) plated-through-hole resistors use the color coding system; these colors add flair to the circuit when connected. In the case of (SMD) surface mount device resistors, they have their value marking system.

The color codes of the resistors are as follows:

ColorColor code





















Tolerance of Resistors

The value of the resistor of the deviation from the nominal value is known as the tolerance of resistors. This value is expressed with the ±% symbol. The resistor’s tolerance is used to identify the resistor, giving a more accurate resistance reading.

Tolerance of the resistor according to the color:





±2 %





Applications of Resistor

Wire applications wrapped resistors kind of include shunt with ampere meters which essentially used for accurate measurement, high sensitivity very balanced current regulation in a generally major way.

Photo resistors are used in various products, including photography equipment, burglar alarms, and flame detectors in a pretty big way. 

Voltmeter and temperature control generally is controlled by resistors, contrary to popular belief.

Amplifiers, telephony, oscillators, and digital multimeters all need resistors, which is particularly significant. They are also utilized in transmitters, demodulators, and modulators, which are particularly fairly significant.


Resistors are part of appliances used in daily life. These resistors are used in circuits. Practical work with resistors will help to know the usage and working of the resistor in the circuit. In physics, resistors are to know the behavior of different resistors, i.e., the flow of the current, voltage flow, etc.

There are many different types of resistors. Each type of resistor is used in different circuits according to their behavior. To know which type of resistor should be used in the circuit, the color of the type of resistor table should be referred to.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the different types of resistors?

A. There are many types of resistors. The main classification of resistors is two types that are linear and nonlinear. These are further divided into subcategories. The linear resistors are divided into fixed and variable resistors. The nonlinear resistors are divided into a thermistor, photoresistor, varistor, and surface mount resistor.

2. Which type of resistor is used in chargers?

A. Flameproof wire wound resistors are used in the chargers as chargers are the input devices. The limited current should supply from the charger as a wire wound resistor is created by wrapping metal wire around a metal core. The metal wire serves as the electric current’s resistive component. Thus, the metal wire restricts a specific level of electric current. As a non-conductive substance, the metal core is placed. As a result, it blocks the flow of electric current. So the chargers will be working without any high voltages.

3. What type of resistor is a bulb?

Ans. The type of resistor used in a bulb is tungsten. The filament in the bulb doesn’t have a specific resistance level, so when the voltage through the bulb has increased, the current is also increased. The increase in current results in the temperature of the bulb. As a result, the bulb glows.

Metal film resistors have better performance than carbon or wire wound resistors. They are also more dependable and reliable than other types of electronics parts. For these reasons, metal film resistor is often used as replacements for other types of electronic components.

Metal Film Resistor Definition:

A metal film resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical component. It is designed to provide a specific resistance. The metal film resistor is constructed by depositing an insulating layer of oxide or nitride, which is then covered with a resistive metal film and terminated with a second insulating layer, usually oxide. These components are used in active filters, precision circuits, and timing applications.

The metal film resistor symbol is similar to a normal resistor which includes two connecting terminals like anode and cathode shown below.

Metal Film Resistor Construction

Metal Film Resistors are made of a metal film on an insulating substrate, similar to a thin-film resistor. The metal is deposited by evaporation onto the substrate. The metal film is typically 0.1 µm or thicker and has a much higher resistance than the substrate.

The resistors are formed by screen printing carbon paste onto the substrate in a shape that cross-sections the metal film, creating two parallel conductors with a uniform gap between them. The resistor body is coated with an epoxy coating for environmental protection and insulation.

Metal film resistors are manufactured using a photolithography process that creates high-accuracy and low-tolerance resistors. Photolithography is a photographic process that transfers images to semiconductor wafers during integrated circuit development. Metal film resistors have resistance values ranging from 0.1 ohms to 100 MΩ, with tolerances of ±0.1% or less at operating temperature ranges from -55°C to 155°C.


The working of a metal film resistor is similar to the normal resistor to restrict the flow of electric current through it. So, it functions as the resistive element for the flow of electric current. The ceramic substrate of this resistor does not let heat throughout it.


The specifications of the metal film resistor include the following.

  • The availability of typical tolerance is ±0.1%, ±0.25%, ±0.5%, ±1% & ±2%,
  • Resistance value ranges from >1Ω < 10MΩ
  • Max resistor temperature is175 °C
  • Load life (% change over 1000h) is 1
  • Voltage coefficient is 0.0 %/V
  • Max noise is 0.2 µV/V
  • Temperature coefficient ±50 to ±100 ppm/°C

Metal Film Resistor Tolerance

Metal Film Resistor tolerance is the highest level of deviation from the nominal value of a resistor. This tolerance represents an accuracy standard for resistors, and it determines how much the measured resistance will vary from the ideal resistance. The tighter the tolerance, the more accurate your measurement will be.

The tolerance of a metal film resistor is the amount the resistance of the resistor can vary from its nominal value. This is usually expressed as a percentage, and can be calculated using the formula:

(Measured Value – Nominal Value)/Nominal Value)×100

If you measure 10kΩ and it has a 5% tolerance, then you know that tolerance is 500Ω. The highest possible value would be 10.5kΩ and the lowest possible value would be 9.5kΩ.

Metal Film Resistor Power Rating

The maximum power a resistor can handle is known as the power rating for that resistor.

The power rating is determined by how much heat the resistor can take before it fails. Heat causes the resistance in the resistor to rise, which causes it to dissipate more power, which causes it to get hotter, and so on. If this process runs away, the resistor’s temperature rises quickly and it fails catastrophically.
The maximum power (Pm ) a Metal Film Resistor can handle is calculated by dividing the maximum working voltage (Um ) by the resistance value (R):

Pm = Um/R

Metal Film Resistor Size Calculation

The size of a metal film resistor can be calculated from its power rating.

After the power rating (power = voltage x current) and the maximum possible temperature rise are known, the resistor size can be calculated by adding the thermal resistance RTH of the resistor to the thermal resistance RθJA of the mounting surface.

Rth = (TJ – TA)/Pd

Here, Rth is thermal resistance

‘Tj’ is Junction temperature

‘TA’ is ambient temperature

‘Pd’ is power dissipation

Size limitation is given by:

RTHmax = (TJmax – TA)/Pd

Resistor size = Rthmax + RθJA

Metal Film Resistor Color Code

The color code for metal film resistors consists of three bands and a fourth band indicating tolerance.
The first two bands indicate the first two digits of the value.

The third band indicates the number of zeros following those first digits. For example, if the third band is red, there are two zeros following the first two digits. If it is gold, there are five zeros following those first two digits.

The fourth band indicates tolerance in percent. A brown or red band represents a 1% tolerance, while a gold or silver band represents a 10% tolerance.

If additional bands are present, they typically indicate temperature coefficient, but this varies based on the manufacturer and part number.

What is the difference between metal film and metal oxide resistors?

The difference between metal film and metal oxide resistor include the following.

Metal Film Resistor

Metal Oxide Resistor Metal films are the most common type of resistor. Metal oxide resistors are also popular and often used for high-power applications. Metal films typically have a smaller tolerance. Metal films typically have a higher tolerance but they handle higher power ratings. These are cylindrical axial resistors. These are axial & fixed value resistors. These resistors are applicable where a more precise value and high tolerance value are necessary within a circuit. These resistors are used for high endurance applications. The frequency response of these resistors is about 100 MHz. The frequency response of metal oxide resistors is about 100 MHz. These resistors have good characteristics for stability, TCR & tolerance. In addition, these resistors feature high linearity & low noise properties due to a low voltage coefficient. These resistors will exceed both the resistor’s performance like carbon film & metal film for different properties like voltage rating, power rating, surge capacity, high-temperature operation & overload capabilities. The maximum temperature of the metal film resistor operates up to 150°C & with platinum sensors, they work up to 600°C. The temperature coefficient of the metal oxide resistor is approximately 300 ppm/°C.


Metal Film Resistors have the following advantages:

High Precision: Film thickness is easy to control, the manufacturing process is mature, with stable performance.

Low Noise: The temperature coefficient of resistance is small, it is not easy to produce a microphonic effect.

High Stability: High purity ceramic core, film-coated on the surface, no oxygen in the air will not oxidize the surface of the resistor, it has good anti-vibration and anti-shock performance.

High Power Rating: Metal film resistors also have a high power-rating, which means they can be used in high-power applications. They tend to have a lower temperature coefficient than carbon film resistors, which makes them ideal for use in precision circuits where a low-temperature coefficient is essential.


The disadvantages of metal film resistors include the following.

  • Metal film resistors are more expensive than carbon composition and carbon film resistors because there’s a higher cost to precision.
  • Metal film resistors have a limited power rating of 3 watts or less. If you require more power, you’ll need to use a wire wound resistor instead.
  • They are sensitive to temperature changes, both within their environment and in the current they conduct.
  • They need to be regularly maintained, cleaned, and checked to make sure they work correctly.
  • The resistor will fail before it reaches its maximum power rating if there is a sudden surge in current or voltage.
  • The metal film will erode over time due to high temperatures caused by prolonged use at higher power levels than those specified on the resistor itself
  • Metal film resistors can only operate up until temperatures around 200°C (392°F).
  • They are not suitable for use in high-frequency circuits because their parasitic capacitance limits them from being able to handle frequencies above about 100 MHz (Megahertz).

Where are Metal Film Resistors Used/ Applications?

The applications of metal film resistors include the following.

  • Metal-film resistors are used in almost every circuit where resistance is required, including power supplies and other circuits.
  • They are also used to protect sensitive electronic components from dangerous voltages.
  • Metal-film resistors have been around for a long time, but only in recent years has their popularity begun to increase. The reason for this is because they are less expensive than other types of resistors and they are very reliable. This means that they can be used in a wide variety of applications including automotive electronics and computer circuitry.
  • Its resistance to currents makes it useful in a variety of situations, from industrial equipment to consumer electronics.
  • These resistors are used in different types of equipment in different fields like Industrial, military Automotive, Professional audio & video.
  • Industrial Applications: Metal film resistors are commonly used in industrial equipment. They help regulate the flow of current and prevent damage by overheating. Metal film resistors are also frequently employed in appliances, as they help to protect motors and other components of the machines.
  • Consumer Electronics Applications: Metal film resistors are used in a wide range of consumer electronics, including cell phones, laptops, and televisions. They help regulate the current flow in these devices and prevent them from overheating when they are used for extended periods at high power levels.

What is the Difference Between Metal Film Resistor and Other Types of Resistors?

Metal film resistors are more precise than carbon composition or wire-wound resistors, but they are not as precise as thin-film resistors. There is a wider tolerance range for metal film resistors than most other types of resistors, but the tolerance can be adjusted by adjusting the process used to make them.

What should I know before selecting a metal film resistor?

There are many factors to consider when choosing a metal film resistor. Here are some considerations:

  • How much power will the resistor dissipate?
  • Is there an issue with temperature rise?
  • How accurately does the value need to be?
  • Does it need to work at high frequencies?
  • Is moisture resistance required?

How Much Power Can I Use With a Metal Film Resistor?

The amount of power that can be used with a metal film resistor depends on the size of the resistor and its temperature rating. A smaller resistor will have a lower power rating than a larger resistor because it will have less surface area over which to dissipate heat. As temperatures rise, power ratings drop because it becomes harder for heat to dissipate through the air or other means.

Thus, if you’re looking for a way to add resistance to your circuit without spending a lot of money, metal-film resistors may be just what you’re looking for. They are very durable and dependable, which means that you can use them for years without having to replace them or fix them often. Even though metal film resistors aren’t cheap, they do make up for their cost by being able to stand up to harsh conditions and still perform well. Here is a question for you, what is a metal oxide resistor?

Types Of Resistors - Applications, Conclusion and FAQs

In your daily life, you use many electronic appliances. Maximum appliances used at home consist of an electric component known as a resistor. These resistors are mostly used in heaters, light bulbs, microwaves, electric stoves, toasters, and other heating appliances. In an electronic circuit, the flow of the current or limits of current is done by a resistor. To provide a particular voltage range for an active device, resistors are used as transistors.

Types of Resistors

Resistors are classified into two types. These types of resistors are further divided into subcategories. The types of resistors are as follows:

  • Linear Resistor

The current in the linear resistor will be directly proportional to the voltage applied to the resistor. The resultant graph of the linear resistor will be between the current (I) and voltage (V). The linear resistor graph will have a straight I-V curve.

Linear resistors are further divided into two types:

  • Fixed Resistors

Fixed resistors have specific values, and these specific values cannot be changed. These fixed resistors are used for the appliance which never needs to change their value.

  • Variable Resistors

Variable resistors have values that can be varied or changed, and these variable values can be changed using a dial, screw, button, or knob. These variable resistors are used for appliances like radios with knobs, lights with switches, and television.

  • Non-Linear Resistor

The current in the non-linear resistor will be indirectly proportional to the voltage applied to the resistor. Current In the resistor changes with the exchange in the temperature or voltage exchange. Values of non-linear resistors aren’t changed according to Ohm’s law. The resultant graph of the non-linear resistor will be between the current (I) and voltage (V). The non-linear resistor graph will have a non-linear I-V curve.

Non-linear resistors are further divided into three types:

  • Thermistors

Thermistors resistors are a kind of variable resistors. Thermistors identify the temperature change. These thermistor resistors have two terminals, and it is sensitive to temperature. The resistance value of the thermistor resistor is inversely proportional to the temperature.

  • Varistors

A non-linear varistor resistor is made of semiconductors. The current through the varistor depends non-linearly on the voltage applied across the resistor. The most commonly used form for the varistor resistor is MOV or metal oxide varistor.

  • Photo Resistors

Photo resistors are also called LDR (light-dependent resistors). The other names of the photo resistors are photoconductive cells and light-controlled variable resistors. The photoresistor’s resistance decreases with an increase in the intensity of the incident light. So, the photoresistor’s resistance is inversely proportional to the intensity of the incident light.

Types of Resistors Fixed and Variable:

The fixed and variable resistors are types of resistors called linear resistors. These fixed and variable resistors are further classified into sub-categories.

There are seven types of resistor, including the fixed resistor, which are as follows:

  • Wire Wound Resistor

A form of a passive component is called a wire-wound resistor. A wire wound resistor is created by wrapping metal wire around a metal core. The metal wire serves as the electric current’s resistive component. Thus, the metal wire restricts a specific level of electric current. As a non-conductive substance, the metal core is placed. As a result, it blocks the flow of electric current.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website types of fixed resistors.

  • Foil Resistor

The most precise and reliable parts to employ to limit the flow of electric current to a specific level are foil resistors. Compared to other types of resistors, foil resistors generate little noise. The TCR (Temperature Coefficient of Resistance) of foil resistors is low.

  • Carbon Composition Resistor

A passive component that limits the flow of electric current to a set level is a resistor made of carbon called a carbon composition resistor. The cylindrical resistive element used to create the carbon composition resistors has integrated metal end caps. The ceramic and carbon powder combination is used to create the cylindrical resistive element of the carbon composition resistor. The carbon powder effectively conducts electric current.

  • Carbon Film Resistor

The carbon film resistor is the most common type of resistor used in electrical circuits. The carbon film is applied to a ceramic substrate to create the carbon film resistors. The ceramic substrate serves as an electrical current insulator, while the carbon sheet functions as a resistive element to the current.

  • Metal Film Resistor

A form of a passive component known as a metal film resistor uses metal film to limit the flow of electric current to a specific level. In contrast to metal film resistors, which use chromium, nickel, tin, and antimony to create their films, carbon is used to create the film in carbon film resistors. The TCR (temperature coefficient of resistance) of metal film resistors is low.

  • Metal Glaze Resistor

The metal glaze resistor is a passive component used to limit the flow of electric current to a certain level by combining glass powder with metal particles. Low TCR (temperature coefficient of resistance) for metal glaze resistors.

  • Metal Oxide Film Resistor

A form of a passive component known as a metal oxide film resistor uses metal oxide film as the resistive element to limit the flow of electric current to a specific level. Metal oxide film resistor construction is virtually identical to metal film resistors.

There are seven types of the resistor of variable resistor, which are as follows:

  • Potentiometer

Three terminals make up the potentiometer, two fixed and one movable. The track’s two resistive ends are linked to the potentiometer’s two fixed terminals, while the third terminal is connected to the slider or sliding wiper. The current flow in the potentiometer decreases when the resistance of the potentiometer is increased.

  • Humistor

Humistor name is the combination of humidity and resistor. Humidity affects humistors quite strongly. Resistive humidity sensors and humidity-sensitive resistors are other names for humidistats.

  • Rheostat

Rheostats are built in a manner that is virtually identical to potentiometers. However, we utilize two terminals of a rheostat to act. The length of the resistive element or track through which the electric current flows determines the rheostat’s resistance.

  • Thermistor

Resistance of Thermistors depends on the surrounding temperature change. Positive temperature coefficient (PTC) and negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistors are the two types of thermometers. While PTC thermistors experience an increase in resistance as the temperature rises, NTC thermistors experience a reduction in resistance as the temperature rises.

  • Magneto Resistor

The resistance of the magneto resistor varies when a magnetic field is supplied to the magneto resistor. Similarly, the magneto resistor’s resistance dropped as the magnetic field’s strength increased.

  • Photoresistor

The word photoresistor is the combination of the terms photon and resistor. The photoresistor experiences a change in resistance when light energy is applied. As the applied light intensity rises, the photo resistor’s resistance falls.

  • Force Sensitive Resistor

As the name indicates, the force-sensitive resistors are extremely sensitive to the applied force. Force sensors, pressure sensors, force-sensing resistors, or FSR are other names for force-sensitive resistors.

Things to Consider When Using Various Types of Resistors


Power dissipation and temperature coefficients are the two factors to be mindful of when using a type of resistor. 

Power Dissipation: Power dissipation is an important consideration when selecting a resistor. Always select a resistor with a lower power rating than the current being passed through it. So, choose a resistor with a power rating at least twice as high. 

Temperature Coefficients: The most important thing to remember when working with resistors is that they must be used at high temperatures or else the resistance will flow dramatically. The temperature coefficient of a resistor is classified as either negative or positive (PTC). 

Color Code of Resistors

The value of the resistor isn’t displayed outside. Through the color pattern, the resistance of the resistor can be calculated. The (PTH) plated-through-hole resistors use the color coding system; these colors add flair to the circuit when connected. In the case of (SMD) surface mount device resistors, they have their value marking system.

The color codes of the resistors are as follows:

ColorColor code





















Tolerance of Resistors

The value of the resistor of the deviation from the nominal value is known as the tolerance of resistors. This value is expressed with the ±% symbol. The resistor’s tolerance is used to identify the resistor, giving a more accurate resistance reading.

Tolerance of the resistor according to the color:





±2 %





Applications of Resistor

Wire applications wrapped resistors kind of include shunt with ampere meters which essentially used for accurate measurement, high sensitivity very balanced current regulation in a generally major way.

Photo resistors are used in various products, including photography equipment, burglar alarms, and flame detectors in a pretty big way. 

Voltmeter and temperature control generally is controlled by resistors, contrary to popular belief.

Amplifiers, telephony, oscillators, and digital multimeters all need resistors, which is particularly significant. They are also utilized in transmitters, demodulators, and modulators, which are particularly fairly significant.


Resistors are part of appliances used in daily life. These resistors are used in circuits. Practical work with resistors will help to know the usage and working of the resistor in the circuit. In physics, resistors are to know the behavior of different resistors, i.e., the flow of the current, voltage flow, etc.

There are many different types of resistors. Each type of resistor is used in different circuits according to their behavior. To know which type of resistor should be used in the circuit, the color of the type of resistor table should be referred to.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the different types of resistors?

A. There are many types of resistors. The main classification of resistors is two types that are linear and nonlinear. These are further divided into subcategories. The linear resistors are divided into fixed and variable resistors. The nonlinear resistors are divided into a thermistor, photoresistor, varistor, and surface mount resistor.

2. Which type of resistor is used in chargers?

A. Flameproof wire wound resistors are used in the chargers as chargers are the input devices. The limited current should supply from the charger as a wire wound resistor is created by wrapping metal wire around a metal core. The metal wire serves as the electric current’s resistive component. Thus, the metal wire restricts a specific level of electric current. As a non-conductive substance, the metal core is placed. As a result, it blocks the flow of electric current. So the chargers will be working without any high voltages.

3. What type of resistor is a bulb?

Ans. The type of resistor used in a bulb is tungsten. The filament in the bulb doesn’t have a specific resistance level, so when the voltage through the bulb has increased, the current is also increased. The increase in current results in the temperature of the bulb. As a result, the bulb glows.

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